Search results

  1. R

    Cutting clover?

    When do you recommend cutting clover? What are the pros and cons of cutting it now (may)? I live in central Virginia. I have fantastic growth and in some places it's six inches tall. I usually only cut it in August.
  2. R

    Buckwheat and crimson clover?

    Can I mix the two as a spring cover crop? Or will the Buckwheat squeeze out the clover?
  3. R

    Organic Matter %

    Can you help me with my soil reports? I have three separate soil tests completed. (two food plots and one apple/pear orchard) The two soil tests on the food plots came back 3.1% organic matter 7.4 pH. The orchard came back with a 7% organic matter and a 5.8 pH. What does this mean? (In laymen...
  4. R

    What's at the base of these young apple trees?

    I was checking apple trees today and noticed these growths at the bottom Of the trees. These trees have had PVC tubing protect the bottom of them.
  5. R

    Suggestions for improving this property.

    This is a small 40 acre parcel that was thinned of pine about three years ago. I was wondering if you had any suggestions on improving this piece. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Would it be possible to create a buck bedding area? I know 40 acres isn't much. The red square is a small...
  6. R

    Broadcast into standing buckwheat?

    I have several food plants currently in standing buckwheat. In preparation for a fall food plot, can I broadcast wheat, oats, turnips and/or radishes into the standing BW? I assume I would need to cut the BW shortly after broadcasting the other seed. In in zone 7 and the buckwheat was...