Your Most Problematic Plant and Animal


5 year old buck +
My most problematic plant is honey locust. It seems I could spray for them the rest of my life and never get rid of them. I dont ever see evidence of deer eating the beans - although I read in some areas, deer eat a lot of them. My second most problematic plant would be persimmon and thirdly johnson grass.


My most destructive animal is without a doubt - a coon. Most nesting studies - turkeys, quail, ducks - whatever - show coon to be one of the most common nest predators. The coons get almost all my fruit. I cant grow corn because of them. I have not figured out how to keep them out of anywhere. They are eating all my ar black apples and granny smith apples right now - that wont be ripe for three months. They are eating the peaches through a so called protective net

I would say deer are the second most troublesome - there are a lot of things I cant grow - beans, sunflowers, peas, etc. because of deer. I have to net my blackberries. They rub and kill my fruit trees. Fortunately, as a primary hunting species, I put up with them. Hogs cause a little problem, but not bad - they tend to not mess much with beans or sunflowers, they dont seem to rub the fruit trees. They dont climb trees, and they are fairly easy to fence out


What are your most problematic plants and animals. I hear bears are the worst of all. I can believe that - like a 300 lb coon
Sericea lespedeza would be my plant.
Sycamore would be my tree
Coyotes are a problem for me maybe as bad as coonsIMG_1261.jpeg
I have serisea lespedeza, Johnson grass and Honey locust I fight with regularity also multiflora rose
In Ohio- neighbors corn piles and neighbors

NY- pigweed and coyotes
I have 15 adjacent property owners. A lot are 10/15 acre property owners. I know at least half of them hunt - and probably more. I dont know of one person who hunts in my area who does not bait - not a single one. A lot of it - like in my case - is defensive baiting. Trying to outbait thy neighbor to keep a buck on your land - off your neighbor’s land - a little longer. Even at that - I think we had eight mature bucks on camera last year and all but one made it until January. That is with four to six weeks of rifle season, two buck limit, five months archery/crossbow season, legal dog running. Wouldnt surprise me if they allow poison next year.

Our larger land owners - over 100 acres - are for the most part, practicing some type of trigger control - fortunately. The smaller land owners are meat hunters. The family kills their four or five deer they think they need and get back to work. I would say not many places have as liberal a season as we do and still have a reasonable number of mature bucks.
And I thought my fawn count was weak.
It’s almost this weird dichotomy, I don’t want fawns to die BUT, I have too many mouths and I know all of my buck fawns will end up elsewhere anyway so i don’t lose sleep over it currently
My most irritating animal are those turkeys. They screw up my deer hunts and I wish they were not here like things were 20 plus years ago.

I suppose buckthorn should be the most problematic plant. It makes cover and I will never beat it, so I only work at control in a few small areas.
My most irritating animal are those turkeys. They screw up my deer hunts and I wish they were not here like things were 20 plus years ago.

I suppose buckthorn should be the most problematic plant. It makes cover and I will never beat it, so I only work at control in a few small areas.
Do you have bears?
What night you want me there to hunt them. Would be fun.
Going to make a serious effort to trap. But yeah bring the thermal and blast away!
Ticks, flies, skeeters, coyotes, woodchuck, gophers.

Only plants that get me riled up are quack grass and sedge grass. I’ve found benefits in thistle, tag alder, diamond willow, swamp ash etc.

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Wild parsnips and reed canary grass



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Sericea, Johnson Grass, Locust.
Marestail, Palmer A.
Coons and Turtle Rats.

Deer, Quail, Easten Bluebirds, Barn Swallows, Dragonflies, Ducks, Pileated Woodpecker, Bass, Crappie, Flathead, Chickadee, Rabbits.
Going to make a serious effort to trap. But yeah bring the thermal and blast away!
I’ve got three setups now. It’s more fun with a group. Haha.

I’ve got then beat way down at my place. Me and two buddies have helped on each others farms. Prob 25 Yotes and 10 bobcats this year.

I’m seeing more turkey than I ever have on camera right now.
I am pretty lucky that in my neck of the woods I do not suffer invasives to any serious degree. So, my most problematic plant is going to be spruce and fir...constantly falling over across my trails, dropping branches. It's just a pain in the ass.

My most problematic animal hands down goes to the back bear. They just absolutely wreak havoc on my apples of just about any age.
Coyotes and wolves would be biggest problem where deer are concerned. We don't always have wolves but when one moves in they are killing machines.

Beavers would be second. Bastards are constantly damning up a stream that drains out of the 30 acre lake that is half on our property. They force the water level up which can lead to killing of trees.

Plants would be blackberries, cold season grasses such as johnson grass, foxtail, and weeds like mullein, thistle, and perennial sweet peas.

Shrub would be buckthorn which I have been dealing with and somehow Russian olive. The RO appeared several years ago and is popping up everywhere. Some type of woody vining plant can get into trees and ultimately kill them. They can grow to 2" plus in diameter.