Yotes caught in the act

2 in one shot!
Looks like a wolf from the size.
I'm not 100% sold on wolf but this sure looks too tall to be a coyote.
He’s tall and lanky… the snout really says coyote to me!

And the red ears, classic eastern/ central coyote look.
Side profile from today. Get lots and lots of coyote pics but every now and then the size just seems "off" compared to the rest.
It sure looks like a coyote to me. Some can get pretty big. 60 plus pounds and a winter coat. A wolf just looks so much bigger than those but, hey you never know I guess.
It is big, but looks like a coyote to me as well. Coloration and pointy snout is why I think that. Here’s one to contrast against, we just got on our camera last week…………