Yellow Nutsedge

MA VT Flatlander

5 year old buck +
What controlls yellow nutsedge? I have it growing in my food plot. Gly does not really do the job.
SedgeHammer is what I have used at a friends property.
use a surfactant
wiscwhip's right - use a surfactant. I had that crap in my lawn & you have to stay with a spray program to kill it. If the herbicide label says to spray every 7 days for 3 applications - do it. It's nasty sh*t.
Is basagran used for nutsedge?
Is basagran used for nutsedge?

Basagran T/O effectively controls only yellow nutsedge, while Image effectively controls only purple nutsedge. Basagran T/O requires approximately three to five days before herbicide symptoms appear and Basagran T/O requires the use of a crop oil (1.0% V/V) or a nonionic surfactant (0.25 % V/V).

It really works best when plants are very young. SedgeHammer is best for mature sedges and it controls them all.
I gave up on my lawn at home.
Hope the stuff never makes it to my clover.
I have it in my yard and garden so I'm not keen on spraying too much or killing other stuff. Interesting plant. I've seen recommendations to remove the top 18" of soil and discard if you don't want to spray. When I tried finding spray, the stuff I saw online were not available locally in NY but could be found across the border in PA.
I'll add another recommendation for the sedgehammer. That stuff did an awesome job selectively removing the sedges. It takes a few applications to catch the stragglers over the years, but I would say at least 95%+ were knocked out in the first application.

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I'll add another recommendation for the sedgehammer. That stuff did an awesome job selectively removing the sedges. It takes a few applications to catch the stragglers over the years, but I would say at least 95%+ were knocked out in the first application.

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Did you use a surfactant? If so what did you use?
The version I bought had an included surfactant. I used an online company called and my square footage was low enough that I used the single application 13.5 gram packet that is just an "add water" kind of product. I don't think the larger quantities include the surfactant though.

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