Woods Super Seeders


Buck Fawn
For those that are using a woods super seeder what configuration are you using? I am on the verge of ordering the Frontier branded version of it and I am torn between the spiked rollers or discs. I want to primarily use the implement for seeding new pastures and CRP/foodplots but would like the option of overseeing pastures as well. Is the version with the disc capable of overseeing well? Any info would be appreciated.
Mine has a front disk and a spiked roller - disk in front of the roller. I think the combination of the two is best. The disk turns the dirt and the spike roller breaks up the dirt clods so the cultipacker can really smooth it out. The bigger seed drops between the disk and the spiked roller. Smaller seed box drops between spiked roller and cultipacker. You can set the disk gang very unaggressive for pasture seeding or seeding into existing clover, etc