Wood stock for Savage model 10?


5 year old buck +
I've got a model 10 in .308. Heavy barrel. Never been a fan of plastic stocks. Would love to find walnut! Anyone know a good place to shop, or other models that would fit? Preferably kind of cheap...
Boyd's Gunstocks has stocks of every imaginable configuration you could want. Generally they fit very well out of the box. I am about to order a nice walnut stock for my Savage 220 slug gun from them. They come in just under $300...so not real cheap. But I am with you, never been a fan of plastic stocks.

Boyd's Gunstocks
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Boyd’s or Stocky’s

You are a handy guy. Would you consider carving your own? I have a walnut blank I bought at an estate sale years ago for next to nothing. I would give it to you if you are interested. Sitting on my shelf isn't doing anyone any good.
You are a handy guy. Would you consider carving your own? I have a walnut blank I bought at an estate sale years ago for next to nothing. I would give it to you if you are interested. Sitting on my shelf isn't doing anyone any good.
He'll yes I would want a blank! Not sure I'd feel right about you just giving it to me though. If ya want to work something out send me a message.

Here's my latest project. With any luck it might be a bow someday. But as I dig into it I'm not liking it's shape much 20230317_102105.jpgso maybe firewood.
have bought a couple off Boyds, had no issues, worth the money IMO. Last one i got was a thumbhole stock for my 270, and I love it.
He'll yes I would want a blank! Not sure I'd feel right about you just giving it to me though. If ya want to work something out send me a message.

Here's my latest project. With any luck it might be a bow someday. But as I dig into it I'm not liking it's shape much View attachment 50853so maybe firewood.

I sent you a message on Deer Hunter. Not having much luck sending pics in messages.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Numirch Gun Parts might have a stock for you. Gunpartscorp.com
Other Savage short action will work, just got to enlarge the barrel channel. Savage 10,11,14 etc. Savage 110,112,114 etc are long action for 30-06 and win mags.

If carving for your 1st time, avoid cherry or walnut, maple is the easiest to carve and make good chips with. Straight figured.
Well... I'm going for it. T-Max is sending me a piece of walnut to make a stock. It may kick my ass but I won't go down without a fight. Hopefully I don't end up needing the sites you guys recommended but if I do I'll be looking back on this thread for the info.
Thanks guys!
Good luck takes a lot of patience to mill out a stock by hand more than I possess.