For anyone wanting to try it, keep in mind it's just a bag of seed, and will do at least 80% of what any other cereal grain will also do. If you're curious, get a bag, carve out a place to use it, let'er rip and see what happens in your area. If you're in the trial mood, I'd also get a bag of awnless winter wheat.
@Catscratch has been planting that for years and turned me on to it. I planted it once, and it did great for me, and it was fun to see the deer eat all the heads off.
When I was getting ready to roll last summer, I just noticed that the trit was taller and had thicker stems than rye. That's a big deal for me, may not be a big deal for someone else. My biggest end goal was having the heaviest high-carbon residue blanket possible. The rest of the considerations are secondary to me, but still important.
I have pondered trying
@S.T.Fanatic 's winter barley. There's some risk it doesn't survive winter up by me, but I'm still curious about it. It won't hit my high biomass goal, but I've also got areas where I'm having trouble getting other cereals to go. Most importantly, I'm just naturally curious and I want to see what happens.