Winter storm


5 year old buck +
Good luck to everyone affected by the current winter storm that is going across the nation. I hope everyone will be stay safe. We are on the outskirts of it so we're only expecting 1-3"
I came home from FL a couple days early to avoid driving in a blizzard. So far, just a little freezing rain here, north of Indy. Wish I was still in FL fishing...
We're in Northeast Ohio. Should be getting around 10" here. Can't wait. Love the snow and cold! Bundle up kids, it's about to get fun!
It's going to be a great weekend! We're in the 18-24" range as of tonight. Today I got my brand new chains on my JD 990. Then a buddy of mine dropped off a 60' roll of conveyor belt to put down on my cement floor so the V-bars on the chains don't chew it up. I'm a skier so I'll be in the mountains hitting some backcountry powder tomorrow. Then my buds are coming over for the Patriots game tomorrow night...beers, wings, big win! And to top it all off, my wife came home with some Crown Royale for me today. Starting things of tonight with a few high-balls and a war movie...think I'll watch A Bridge Too Far. Off on Monday so back in the mountains hitting the slopes. Damn, I love weekends like this!

Worked 10 hours today. Just got home a little while ago. It started coming down as I was halfway home. Coming down steady now. Should be on either side of 12” snow with very cold temps following
Drove the truck to work tonight, would have much rather stayed home by the fire with the Mrs. I75 was down to one lane what traffic there was is moving about 45mph, I think we have only gotten 4"-5" so far but it is really blowing. Supposed to dip down below zero for a couple is winter. I think about the wildlife this time of has to be tough for them right now.
About 7” here in Northeast Indiana. It’s nice that Monday is a holiday for us-even though I’m scheduled to work, it means the snow removal can wait until the weekend is over. We’re experiencing some 25-35 mph winds, so significant drifting is happening tonight. 8 degrees for a high temp on Monday, then up to almost 40 on Tuesday!

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We got an inch of snow and really gusty winds. Actually ripped one of our screens off our bedroom window. Bitter cold today and tomorrow, then 50 on tuesday. My dog Molly has the right idea.20190119_180254.jpg
40 MPH winds and blowing snow then ice last night here in SC Kansas,we responded to a several accidents and power line issues but just cold as heck now.Better save some of that hard stuff for drinking your sorrows away,glad I am not going to be sitting at arrowhead,I bet its really going to be cold there
a buddy of mine dropped off a 60' roll of conveyor belt to put down on my cement floor so the V-bars on the chains don't chew it up

That is a great idea. I resist putting chains on anything because I don't want to damage the concrete.

As far as the snow, you southerners can have it. Still brown here. Cold but no snow!

That is a great idea. I resist putting chains on anything because I don't want to damage the concrete.

As far as the snow, you southerners can have it. Still brown here. Cold but no snow!


Hi John...yeah, I began by looking at 4x6 3/4" horse stall mats...plywood...rubber garage flooring. My buddy suggested finding an length of conveyor belt from a local quarry. Works great and I can roll it up and store it easily after the season.
I came home from FL a couple days early to avoid driving in a blizzard. So far, just a little freezing rain here, north of Indy. Wish I was still in FL fishing...

I fly home tonight. 80 ish here every day. It's going to be 8 degrees at home tomorrow morning. I don't mind the cold but that's a 70 degree change in a couple hours.......Brrrrr.
I came back from the Southern Caribbean 2 weeks ago, and experienced about the same.
I fly home tonight. 80 ish here every day. It's going to be 8 degrees at home tomorrow morning. I don't mind the cold but that's a 70 degree change in a couple hours.......Brrrrr.

You are a better man than me. I hate everything about the cold and winter, more the older I get. (Unless I'm in a deer stand)
1" snow, followed by a lot of sleet, then rain. (home) Camp was due for around 12" of snow. Gonna be cold though, 3 degrees with -20 wind chill tonight and tomorrow. 40-45 mph winds. Woodstove is keeping us comfy.
So we currently have 8” snow. Looks like that’s it for the snow. However it’s been sleeting since 2am when I woke up to my dogs going crazy and a coyote on the front porch. Went for the boomstick but he was gone by the time I opened the door. Way to close for comfort. Other then that, the top layer is so frozen that my dogs (2 pit bulls 60 and 90 pounds) aren’t even breaking through it. Truck is glazed over in snow and ice. Gonna be a long day.
You can tell it’s breeding season for coyotes there showing up in strange places and many dead on the road
Snowpocolypse continues! Lol. I have around 12-14" of snow, not counting the 3-4' drifts, here in Medina County. I spend around 2.5 hours plowing my and family's driveways with the Case. Feel like it's an effort in futility though.
11:20 PM. 5 hour delay at the airport. :(. That means it will be that much colder when I land at 3:00 AM.