Why do people put wire around trees!

I don't know
I don't know why wire is sticking out of it up so high then? I can't imagine someone would have nailed it high on purpose?
I don't know H2O. I didn't mean to sound like a SA, just pointing that out. That is wierd, unless at one time it was bent over then uprighted after attaching to the wire. Interesting. Is it barbed?
I have a nice red oak with a nice woven wire fence running almost right thru the center! Nice trunk above, but the loggers still won;t touch it......claims the risk was too high of internal damage. So it stands and provides hard mast for the critters.
wire fence in tree.jpg
I don't know

I don't know H2O. I didn't mean to sound like a SA, just pointing that our. That is wierd, unless at one time it was bent over then uprighted after attaching to the wire. Interesting. Is it barbed?

I will get a pic of it this weekend, it may be barbed. The tree is a big old white oak right on the fence line that I think had to be there before any fence. You got me thinking about how it could have gotten in it higher up...younger tree carrying it up as it grew/tornado/some reason a farmer had it higher/bent tree? It is a weird one.
Lots of guys run a wire high over a gate opening from corner post to corner post to tie them together but still have room to drive under. Maybe this tree use to be part of a gate.
Wouldn't it be ironic if it's what's left of someone's old tree stand...

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I suspect an old wire fencing has probably saved a lot more lot more trees from the chainsaw than it has killed. Just my 2 cents.
My memory exaggerated...wire is a little over ten feet off ground!
The wire isn't fence or barbed wire, it's really thick maybe 1/8" and looped at one end? It is sticking out a couple of places lower on the trunk straight up and down too...very strange. The good thing is that I would think because of the wire this old giant was saved and passed over a few different loggings.

One point to consider (and I ask forgiveness if anyone else already shared it)... sometimes it's a matter of which came first the fence or the trees. Home site I owned prior to my current one had a shared fence line with very old neighbors (in their 90s) who farmed much of the surrounding land before selling it off for home sites.

There were many adult black cherry trees growing up through the fence / many of the trees were entangled by wire.

Old farmer definitely had NOT used the trees for substitute posts, but instead lots of birds that ate cherries off nearby trees took potty breaks while perched on the fence. Granted, yearly spray of the fence line could have kept it from happening but pretty sure that wasn't the farmer neighbors biggest concern / priority. Literally a case of sometimes sh!+ just happens! :emoji_wink:
My memory exaggerated...wire is a little over ten feet off ground!
The wire isn't fence or barbed wire, it's really thick maybe 1/8" and looped at one end? It is sticking out a couple of places lower on the trunk straight up and down too...very strange. The good thing is that I would think because of the wire this old giant was saved and passed over a few different loggings.

Based on the fork in the tree I bet someone just laid it in the notch and the tree grew around it.
That's how I chain sawed a beer bottle once..