Who are you?

Hi y'all, found the forums a few months ago and decided to sign up after reading for a while! Just shy of 50, live in Houston and we have a property in E. TX we bought few years back after hunting central TX for several years.

I've spent 30 years in tech, and most of those saltwater fishing for fun. Picked up hunting late in life, in my mid 30s and it's mostly taken the place of fishing for me over the past decade. I would say I got too old to load a 16' kayak every weekend morning at 3am, but I suspect dealing with the land and maintenance is a bit harder on the body and I should've stayed fishing if I wanted to hurt less :)

Anyhow, I was happy to pick up 100 acres in deep east TX back in 2022, and I spend my free weekends and most of my time off out there - it's a bit of a passion project to turn an old timber property back into pine savannah and learning a ton as I go. As a bonus, the more effort we put into it, the more the deer hang around and we get to harvest some meat as well.

Looking forward to learning more from y'all and sharing what I can that's worth sharing. I'm getting pretty good at killing sweetgum and a bunch of invasives, getting slowly better at managing the never-ending erosion and flooding we're having lately, and not getting any better at seeing trophy deer -- but I keep practicing on that one...

Welcome to H-T. I still haven’t figured out what’s harder on a person. Salt water or dirt.
Welcome and sounds like you are in the piney woods of east Texas. Are you close to Daingerfield State Park? If it wasn't for the blasted heat could almost have thought I was up north in Yankee land with the pines, sand and view from the lake.

No saltwater fishn for me while down there but did start a lifelong love of bass fishn while there. Kinda switched to smallies after this damn Yankee moved back home.
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Welcome and sounds like you are in the piney woods of east Texas. Are you close to Daingerfield State Park? If it wasn't for the blasted heat could almost have thought I was up north in Yankee land with the pines and sand there.

No saltwater fishn for me while down there but did start a lifelong love of bass fishn while there. Kinda switched to smallies after this damn Yankee moved back home.
Daingerfield is a few hours north of us, our property is near Crockett and the Davey Crockett national forest. But, it's just as sandy and loaded with pines. Too bad most are loblolly these days, but we've got a number of mature shortleafs that I love.

The heat... Yeah, we lose a couple months of work, hard to get much done when it's 95F and 95% humidity at 8am! But the winters are mild when it's not raining, get a lot done on a 50 degree day :)

I am north of you in van Zandt county

Good to have another fellow Sweetgum assassin on board

Hey everyone,
I have been following this forum for a bit, here to learn from others and share some knowledge. I have a small property in SW Michigan. Looking to learn more about improving habitat, food plots, and fruit trees.
Hey everyone,
I have been following this forum for a bit, here to learn from others and share some knowledge. I have a small property in SW Michigan. Looking to learn more about improving habitat, food plots, and fruit trees.
Welcome to H-T..
Hey everyone,
I have been following this forum for a bit, here to learn from others and share some knowledge. I have a small property in SW Michigan. Looking to learn more about improving habitat, food plots, and fruit trees.

This is a good place for what you are looking for, welcome!
I stumbled upon this site yesterday. About 6 years ago I bought 20 acres with a cabin in the Blue Ridge Mt's in Va, just outside of Buena Vista. Looking for ways to make it more hunting friendly. Being on the side of a mountain with 1 level spot being the cabin location & the other being the top of the mountain, it has kept my 66 year old retired butt busy . Since buying it I bought a mini excavator & have been putting in trails, a lot of switchbacks & working on food plots. I have gotten deer off it every season but always trying to find ways to make the place better. Thanks for having me.
I stumbled upon this site yesterday. About 6 years ago I bought 20 acres with a cabin in the Blue Ridge Mt's in Va, just outside of Buena Vista. Looking for ways to make it more hunting friendly. Being on the side of a mountain with 1 level spot being the cabin location & the other being the top of the mountain, it has kept my 66 year old retired butt busy . Since buying it I bought a mini excavator & have been putting in trails, a lot of switchbacks & working on food plots. I have gotten deer off it every season but always trying to find ways to make the place better. Thanks for having me.
Welcome aboard
Good evening forum members. Andy Muzik ( Notes ) 67 year old mechanical contractor. 90 acres Michigan upper peninsula Menominee County. Looking to become better stewards of the land. We deer hunt and are trying to better our property. The property is surrounded by State of Michigan forest land. The forest service has done a lot of clear cuts in our area and our deer patterns have changed a bit. Thanks for this forum.
Good evening forum members. Andy Muzik ( Notes ) 67 year old mechanical contractor. 90 acres Michigan upper peninsula Menominee County. Looking to become better stewards of the land. We deer hunt and are trying to better our property. The property is surrounded by State of Michigan forest land. The forest service has done a lot of clear cuts in our area and our deer patterns have changed a bit. Thanks for this forum.


I hunt across the border on Manitoulin Island. Do you have limestone bedrock where you are? The Niagara Escarpment goes through our place and makes for some unique terrain.

I hunt across the border on Manitoulin Island. Do you have limestone bedrock where you are? The Niagara Escarpment goes through our place and makes for some unique terrain.
All sandy soil up this way.
Good morning, just joined the forum , I’m from south Louisiana and just purchased my first property looking to make some changes on it to enhance it for whitetail, have many questions!
Good morning, just joined the forum , I’m from south Louisiana and just purchased my first property looking to make some changes on it to enhance it for whitetail, have many questions!

Welcome to H-T. One recommendation many have is to hunt your place for at least a year before going hog wild to see how the deer currently travel, sleep and eat. Some changes are hard to undo.
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I guess i shouldve started off by saying i grew up on this piece and have hunted it for many years but it finally came up for sale and i bought it, extremely excited!
I guess i shouldve started off by saying i grew up on this piece and have hunted it for many years but it finally came up for sale and i bought it, extremely excited!
Congratulations. That must be exciting! Consider starting a "Land Tour" thread. There is a lot of wisdom on this forum that even long time hunters and landowners can glean from to improve their property.
Hello everyone!

I’ve been reading this site for quite some time and finally registered. Lots of great info here so hoping to keep learning from all of you!

I inherited the family farm (640 acres) in western ND last year, so that gave me the green light to finally start working on habitat improvement projects. While I play in spreadsheets for a living, my first love (and degree) is biology. It has been a blast getting into all this and planning ways to improve the habitat for the upland birds. The property has pheasant, sharptail, hungarian partridge, turkey, mule deer, whitetail, and the occasional pronghorn.

45% of the land is native shortgrass prairie (grazed but not cut) with a seasonal creek through part with some trees along it, the rest is hay (cut in mid-August to not disturb nesting) with some small areas (about 100 acres total) that will be planted by a renter this year. There’s even about 10 acres of badlands type area along a small river. That stretch doesn’t provide much in the way of habitat, but it is quite beautiful.

Between what the renter plants, and what the neighbors on either side of me plant, food plots aren’t a high priority. The short term focus will be on improving winter survivability and nesting cover. I'm working with the county to get 4 acres (15 rows) of berry shrubs planted early next summer and will be doing a bunch of hand plants this spring.

Besides all this type of fun, I love to fly fish, shoot my 102 year old Webley side-by-side, and am getting ready for the impending madness of a new english cocker pup arriving this summer.
Your place sounds awesome. Share a pic of your badlands!
This is just on the very corner 10 acres of the property. The rest is rolling grasslands. The variety is kind of cool.

badlands 1.jpg
Now I am "connecting the dots" on your sprayer needs. Grin. Not sure about that land you have.....if it's like some in the Dakota's (and in AZ) that land seals up with just a little rainfall and the roads become slick as snot......Am I right??

I ran into a thunderstorm in western So Dakota once while on a dirt road in my Chevy Suburban. Got so slippery I had to stop to prevent sliding in the ditch. Then....wind picked up and the wind pushed that big old suburban sideways into the ditch anyway. Had a hell of a time getting back to a graveled road......and power washing that gumbo out of my wheels.....so they would balance again.