Whitetail Crabs action


5 year old buck +
The trees visible in the fences are all Whitetail Crabs. They are both either Droptines , or the tree on the right is a 30-06 . I'll have to go back and check the angle of my camera to be 100 % sure. It's been so hot maybe a few crabs are dropping or possibly the wind put a few on the ground . Either way the proof is in the pudding and the STC_0010.JPGSTC_0011.JPGSTC_0006.JPGSTC_0007.JPGSTC_0009 - Copy.JPG bucks now know where to get a snack . I'm excited to see if the bucks show up during hunting seaason. All told I have 6 whitetail Crabs loaded this year and 2 Dr deer pears with a decent crop.
Wow , nice buck there !
I'd ditch the cages at this point and put on some rub guards. That buck looks like he'd shred some bark if given opportunity.
You got red cedars in the area? Debating topworking my droptine into something else. Leaves got cedar apple rust bad. I plucked all but 4 or 5 blossoms. I got 4 little droptines and 2 of them got cedar apple rust deforming them pretty bad.

This is my trees at home. Deer got over 40 other to mull over if thise one takes an extra year or two because it's topworked. Got about 3 or 4 up at camp and another 4 I need to plant this fall. So, droptine will be growing for me elsewhere. Farmland I hunt about 1.5 hours away has few cedar is the area. Up t cam pin the adirondacks, there isn't any cedars.
I'd ditch the cages at this point and put on some rub guards. That buck looks like he'd shred some bark if given opportunity.
I need to look into something , never tried rubguards. It's hard to see but A lot of the branches are bent over severely hanging outside the fence. Probably need to prune them back in the winter to stiffen them up.
You got red cedars in the area? Debating topworking my droptine into something else. Leaves got cedar apple rust bad. I plucked all but 4 or 5 blossoms. I got 4 little droptines and 2 of them got cedar apple rust deforming them pretty bad.

This is my trees at home. Deer got over 40 other to mull over if thise one takes an extra year or two because it's topworked. Got about 3 or 4 up at camp and another 4 I need to plant this fall. So, droptine will be growing for me elsewhere. Farmland I hunt about 1.5 hours away has few cedar is the area. Up t cam pin the adirondacks, there isn't any cedars.
Yes I have tons of red cedars in the area. I'll have to go back and check their leaves status now ....The leaves were effected some if I remember correctly and some of the crabs fruit had CAR on them earlier in the spring. Funny thing so did some of the pears on my DR Deer pear. However the droprine and DR Deer pear both aborted / dropped the effected fruit already.
I went and checked both trees in these pictures are Droptines STC_0005.JPGSTC_0006 - Copy.JPG
You got red cedars in the area? Debating topworking my droptine into something else. Leaves got cedar apple rust bad. I plucked all but 4 or 5 blossoms. I got 4 little droptines and 2 of them got cedar apple rust deforming them pretty bad.

This is my trees at home. Deer got over 40 other to mull over if thise one takes an extra year or two because it's topworked. Got about 3 or 4 up at camp and another 4 I need to plant this fall. So, droptine will be growing for me elsewhere. Farmland I hunt about 1.5 hours away has few cedar is the area. Up t cam pin the adirondacks, there isn't any cedars.
There is a little CAR on few of the leaves , BUT a lot of the leaves are ate up big time from Japanese beetles or some other insect .
I doubt I'd plant any more droptines , just out of sight to the right is a 30 06 crab and the deer are feeding around that too. However no CAR or major inscect damage to the leaves.
What does a rub gaurd look like?

Awesome photo s!
It's just a small diameter cage
So I’m assuming you need to stake it ( the tree) from swaying to much into the metal cage?