Whitetail Crabs Droptine

I believe The Boom is because of the internet , and Forums like this showing trees and where they were purchased ,

The internet was / is the reason I found the nurseries I bought from, as well as this forum and a few others. More nursery options these days.
Yes Internet has really made a big difference for sure. When I first started planting apple and pear trees for deer back in the late 90’s there was very limited information available. When I moved to Kansas in the early 2000’s I started a new orchard down here and did a ton of research looking for CAR resistant verities of apple and planted several of them based on that research availability of those verities was mail order only back then with no idea what rootstock was used generally speaking. I didn’t know fireblight would be as big a deal as it has been on my pear trees and I’ve lost several of those over the years in the home orchard. A couple years ago I decided to plant a large deer orchard on the farm and selection of trees and knowledge online is tremendously better than it was years ago. Although many of the new wildlife trees are so newly on the market disease resistance of these “wildlife trees” is largely unknown and your still rolling the dice on planting them at your location but the knowledge base is expanding very quickly.
With CAR, anybody speay fungicides for them? I have sprayed some bonide copper years ago on my trees. Also, been spraying bonide fruit spray which has some fungicides.