Whitetail Crabs 2025 ordering


5 year old buck +
Anyone know if he will have full-size rootstock this year? I requested all M-111 rootstock last year. Hopefully it was. That B-118 is worthless in my soil. Planted several Droptine two years ago and one was already leaning half over.

I ordered a small turkey crab and planted this spring. It had tons of blossoms and quite a few crabs that I picked off. Seems like a winner.


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I ordered from them fall of 2022. I asked him about planting in zone 3. He had some droptine and 30-06 on anty. MY clubs camp by stillwater I still consider zone 3.

I could be wrong, but think B118 needs to be pruned hard while it builds roots.

Don't blame you you going M111. 3/4's of my trees at home are on M111. I do recall he was grafting some on M111. turkey creek trees in kansas has almost all their trees on M111 and M7. M7 is another good clay soil rootstock.

Been wanting to try the winter gold tree. Liberties and the enterprise I got from them are doing well. I have a macoun from elsewhere, but it's a decent tree too.
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My Droptine are loaded. They are a winner for me so far. Planted them 3-4 years ago. Gray ghost has some apples this year. 30-06 is starting to put some on as well. B118 is doing great on our soil so far.
I haven’t pruned any crabs on B118. I’m going no maintenance basically with these trees. I didn’t even spray this year. They are just getting to bearing age. I pruned my apples on B118 years ago. They are cranking out fruit pretty good now.
I am new to new trees, but not to mature ones. Every property I have owned has had alteast a few trees.

Pruning the first few years gives the tree an overall shape. Without any pruning, your tree can have multiple leaders, majot branches with very poor angles, and overall too many littlbe branches, intead of lesser but stronger main ones. Once a tree has its general shape in 5-7 years, it should keep tht general shape without making major structural issues.

Gong to be a few years, but I have 3 galarina on M111 as a demonstration. One tree will be well pruned, one about average pruned, and the other leaving alone. I might try this on B118 too. However, it would be different varieties. Just pruned well vs no prune. Liely chestnut vs dolgo. Got a cranberry on B118 planted the same year, but that is around the pool.