White Cedars ... The Marking Tree

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
Got a chance to walk in areas of our property today, that I have not ventured in over the past 10 months. Below are a couple of White cedars that have rubs from many years.

The 1st is 7-8" in diameters with rubs and an very active large scrape. We still are in the 2nd phase rut here with all of the bucks I have seen still chasin does.

The 2nd is a 9" cedar ... I know 2 of the bucks that could do this and maybe late bow season will let them make a mistake ...

cedar rub scrape.jpg

cedar rub.jpg
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Wow! My typing skills are suspect ... "Wite" ... meant white ... I should start using the smaller crayons ... :eek:
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Wow those are big.

As for wite, Auto spell correct makes me look like an idiot more than I like. Well that's what I'm blaming it on.
Guess I should proof read better :D
With sign like that, I'd be out there in late archery season too !!! No pencil-neck made those. Good luck.
always a rush to finding rubs like that...Grats, nice finds!
U sure that first tree is a cedar?
Wow! My typing skills are suspect ... "Wite" ... meant white ... I should start using the smaller crayons ... :eek:

I touched it up for you.... Your crayons are safe :)
I touched it up for you.... Your crayons are safe :)

Thanks John ... I will try and color in the lines next time ... :(

Dipper ... That is the one young White Oak amongst the 5-6 white cedars that were rubbed ... good eye!

This is a trail coming out of the creek bottom bedding area ... like I said, I have sat on this outskirts, but maintain a sanctuary down there. I found a very large mature oak to put a bow stand in for next season ... I have a game cam 100 yards away that catches some of the activity.

I am always very careful about these areas as this is where the mature ones 1st stage before they move into the feeding plots.

Maybe a 1-2 sit stand if I can identify and not disrupt ... below is a pic of one of the boys that call this home ...

Tank 1.jpg