Which would you buy & why?

Just looked at some tractors on tractorhouse.com http://www.tractorhouse.com/list/li...xtraTHOSpecs=1&Cond=All&SO=2&btnSearch=Search

I counted 141 used John Deere 3320 and 3520's for sale. Some are close by and look pretty interesting. One thing tho.....you won't get Deeres 0% finance and terms. :( Of course, they get paid for that. Interest rates are pretty low at a bank too.
I'd definitely check with a bank or credit union on financing right now. There's bound to be money for hard assets since the fed rates are so low.
I've noticed this too. I did make a Visit to the kubota dealer today.
Although I agree that the JD has a much better resale value and it is a great machine, I found that the dealers locally were some of the most ignorant people I have ever tried to deal with. I found them rude and snobbish. They basically told me "That's the price, take it or leave it, I'm busy."
The Deere dealers vary allot in their attitudes. I got so mad at one....I vowed not to buy ANYTHING from him ever again (I have bought 4 tractors there over the past years....and several pieces of machinery, etc.). I've kept that promise so far.

My local dealer now is fine to work with....and they really work on small equipment. Seems the dealers that have folks that specialize in L&G and CUT tractors are a bit better to work with, than those working on the "big Ag" sales. Still....the Deere salesmen can be arrogant. They do have high prices to ALL of us....don't take it personally.
Take a look at Mahindra. I bought mine last year after pouring thru all the infomation on all brands. By far the heaviest well built tractor in it's price range. Have put mine thru the paces this year and I'm very happy.
How many HP and what kinda price on that tractor? I've heard pretty good things on that brand too. Seems they gain more marketshare all the time.
35 PTO HP. I got a package with FEL, bushhog, finish Mower and tiller for about 14,500. It is a smaller tractor, but for my property that is what I needed. It is 4WD and the two things I did that it needed, fill the rear tires and add a toothbar to the bucket so it will dig.
That's not bad at all. What's the lift capacity on the FEL?
I believe it's 2200 pounds. I might be wrong on that, I'll check. I understand the price has gone up since I bought mine. I also got it with 0% financing. It turned out to be a perfect tractor for my use. I would love to have more HP but then I'd have to go to a larger tractor.
Jack How long have you had it?
I bought mine in 2012. About 6 months after I retired. I had been looking for a tractor for about a year. This was the first one I found that had teh tires I wanted, 4WD and an FEL as standard equipment.
That seems like a very good value in a tractor and implements. Not sure you could find a better value in a new tractor. It would be hard to not spend at least $10,000 more at the major brands when you consider the package you bought.
This my 4035 FWA, 2700LBS loader lift capacity, 3900lbs 3pt lift capacity 5652lbs operating weight. 5Yr warranty. 40 engine HP 33 PTO HP. Picture take right after del. not that clean any more.

DSC00330 (800x600).jpg
Nice but I think you need a heavier tow rope. Was this in the 25K range or more?
Just under 24k. Use that rope to pull out my neigbors Deere. :cool: