Which would you buy & why?


5 year old buck +
I've got quotes on 3 different brands. My top 3 were JD. NH & Kubota, but I ruled out Kubota because of the treadle.
New Holland and JD are now on the list of top list but my daughter work where they sell both New Holland & Kioti So I was given a quote on them also.
The only thing I know about Kioti is they were involved with bobcat when they made and sold CUT's. All 3 are priced within 2k of each other. I know which way I'm leaning but I'd like others opinions. Which would you get and why?



Deere: resale value and parts availability.
I went through the same thing you did this past spring. After way too much internet research, I had settled on a lightly used JD or Kubota, due to the more stringent emissions requirements with the new machines. IIRC, the '14s are the first year for the Tier 4 engines. After watching the debacle that some of the auto manufacturers went through with the new requirements 8-10 years ago, I was apprehensive about going new with the unproven engines. On the other hand, I would have taken the risk if the dealers wanted to deal. I couldn't get any of them to come very far of MSRP. Combine that with the fact that the Tier 4 engines add a couple grand to the list price, and I went on the search for an older machine again. I found a dealer within 100 miles or so with a lightly used (200 hrs) 2011 L4240. I had the dealer add rear and front remotes and new R4s (had turfs). He also got me all the implements I wanted basically at cost, and delivered it for free. I ended up with a much nicer machine for a lot less money than new. I had no tractor experience, and between the hydro, quick hitch, etc, I was looking like a pro within about 10 minutes. I know you decided against the Kubota based on the treadle, but I don't see what the big deal is, and I think the "issue" is overrated. All this being said, if you are set on a new machine, and the Deere is within 2k of the NH and Kioti, you buy the Deere, no question. Enjoy delivery day, pretty exciting stuff for habitat junkies. Here was mine.

Here are some of the specs from each.

Weight JD 2222, NH 2900, Kioti 3924
Hyd. GPM JD 9.3, NH 13, Kioti 16.8
3 pt lift @ 24” JD 1356, NH 1433, Kioti 2493

If purchasing on Spec alone looks like Kioti would be the winner, would this change your mind on which one you would buy?
This is why I wouldn't go Kioti.


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Lets try that with Deere's Ag dealers. :D


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Although I agree that the JD has a much better resale value and it is a great machine, I found that the dealers locally were some of the most ignorant people I have ever tried to deal with. I found them rude and snobbish. They basically told me "That's the price, take it or leave it, I'm busy."
I agree there are a lot more JD & NH dealers. I'm trying not to have that not being major purchase point. But yes the dealer local is an issue. But I'll be doing all my routine maintenance & I hoping a new machine will not need to go back to the dealer very often or at all. I'm trying to base my purchase on which machine is the best and lets say there were dealers an equal distance for purchase/service. Jack I can't say that about the dealers I've been to. All have been very reasonable & willing to deal and spend as much time with me as needed. Even knowing my purchase is a year within the next year.
The bottom line is, try to sit and evaluate each machine. They all have idiocicracies that you may or may not like. In the long run it is YOU that will determine which suits you. I suspect all major brands are fairly equal but different. I had a size requirement. When I saw the Mahindha it was a perfect size, had large front tires and 4WD. The seat is not perfect, but I don't spend all day in it like a farmer might. No other tractor I looked at had all the things I wanted. The One I got came closest. Maybe you could find someone on tractorbynet that lives near you that will allow you to drive one of the ones you are considering. That is by far the best way to decide.
I've had a lot of seat time on JD's the past few years as this is what is available for renting. Foggy (Thanks Tom) also invited me for some seat time on his JD if I'd like. I'm really leaning towards the JD as the closest dealer JD dealer is 7 mile from my property. But the JD is the lightest has the lowest hyd. gpm & lifting capacity. Kind of hard to ignore those facts. I also looked at a Branson and really like some of their features but the dealer really turned me off.
I believe the most important things for a tractor are. HP, weight, hyd system capacity (gpm) & lifting capacity. After all you can't lift or pull a heavy load if you don't have the weight for traction or lifting capacity. My primary use will be a lot of loader work and skidding logs. MO I'm sure your like most farmers and you have several different color tractors. My Dad had JD, International & Massey Harris. Let me tell you those old Massies never let us down. I also never recall any one of the brands being in the shop as we did all our own maintenance.
I agree with tooln, weight and hyd cap are vital. I bought the heaviest tractor in it's class and still had to get the tires filled to be able to dig
or lift anything. Also, while I think about it, get a bolt on toothbar.
The issue with dealers is are there any or not? You can have a JD dealer being dinks, and you go find another one. If the Kioti dealer is a dink, you have what recourse - nothing. And if they drop Kioti? Crickets...

Yanmar used to make the best small utility tractor going for what I wanted. Their distribution deal went south with Cub Cadet and now their dealer support is non-existent! I don't want to have to wait a week plus, to get something shipped from Georgia. Just like I don't want to have to drive 3 hours to go get a part from the closest dealer.

Why is it important? Because if you have a machine go down, and you need something you can't buy at TSC or Fleet Farm, what are you left with?

If all you're doing is food plots and chores, it's probably not overly time sensitive. But if I'm putting that kind of money into a machine, I want to be able to hand a broken part to a tech and talk to them about what caused it and hopefully be able to go home then and there with a replacement. With Deere, that's not always the case, but their warehouses are only a day out. I can have anything I need today by Tuesday.
I didn't look closely at the models you are looking at. In short, you are not comparing equivalent tractors, which explains the similarity in price. I was in your shoes. I have very limited time on my property and have little in the way of mechanical skill, so I wanted to go new. After researching, however, I found you can get a lot more machine on the same budget if you are okay with a few hundred hours. Everyone I talked to told me problems are rare with these tractors, and under 500 hrs is just getting broken in. Let someone else take the depreciation for you. Versus a new machine, I got a tractor with 200 hrs., Landpride 8' disk, cultipacker, spreader, front and rear hydros, forks, new rims/tires, and grapple for slightly less money. That made going a couple years older a no-brainer. I do agree with the others on dealers, brands, etc. Kubota and JD have a huge percentage of this market, which is part of the reason people are willing to pay more for them. The Kiotis, Mahindras, etc. are by all accounts, great machines, but less likely to be around in 20 years than the others, and less likely to have a local dealer.
The issue with dealers is are there any or not? You can have a JD dealer being dinks, and you go find another one. If the Kioti dealer is a dink, you have what recourse - nothing. And if they drop Kioti? Crickets...

Yanmar used to make the best small utility tractor going for what I wanted. Their distribution deal went south with Cub Cadet and now their dealer support is non-existent! I don't want to have to wait a week plus, to get something shipped from Georgia. Just like I don't want to have to drive 3 hours to go get a part from the closest dealer.

Why is it important? Because if you have a machine go down, and you need something you can't buy at TSC or Fleet Farm, what are you left with?

If all you're doing is food plots and chores, it's probably not overly time sensitive. But if I'm putting that kind of money into a machine, I want to be able to hand a broken part to a tech and talk to them about what caused it and hopefully be able to go home then and there with a replacement. With Deere, that's not always the case, but their warehouses are only a day out. I can have anything I need today by Tuesday.

Errrr.....most of those COMPACT UTILITY TRACTORS (CUT) that Deere has sold ARE Yanmar's. Yanmar had a lock on the compact tractor biz back in the 80's.....and then made a deal with Deere to distribute them in the USA.

Not much different than what Kioti tried to do with Bobat or what the some of the other Brnads have done (i.e. Cabellas, Northern Tool, International Havestor, Farmall, etc).
What they're selling now is still Yanmar? I know the 50's are made in India, and not Yanmar.
Some of the comparisons in the original post or apples and oranges IMO. Consider that tractors of equal PTO HP are not equal in weight and hydraulic capacities. You really should be comparing the Deere Twenty Series tractors with the other brands here (3320, 3520, 3720, - the difference being horsepower in the same twenty series tractor chassis).

IMO the Kioti is pretty good merchandise for the buck. Almost bought one instead of the 3320 I now own. When pricing a new JD tractor....the dealer's unwillingness to "deal" really soured me on a new 3320. I decided: "screw 'em" and was prepared to buy a different brand until I found a cream puff used 3320. Never looked back.

I think post number 3 and I are cut of the same cloth. Buy a good, low hour used machine for 30-40% discount on a better tractor model.....and you will be a happy camper. Always can get your money back in trade if you so decide.

Thats kinda what happened to me......I bought a good 790 JD tractor with few hours on it. Paid $10,000 and used it for two years. Decided I didnt like the hydraulic capacity (loader didnt lift enough and 3 point was a bit light duty) and I hated the gear tranny for loader and potential stump grinder use. Upgraded my tractor.....and had folks standing in line to buy my old tractor for what I paid for it.

Late model used WITH ALL THE RIGHT ACCESSORIES will be your best deal IMO. They are out there if you shop and are ready to strike when you find one. Buy from a JD Dealer if you are worried about quality....they don't sell you junk.
I've looked at used. The only used ones in my area are rentals. I've rented eq. before and know how they are treated so buying a rental sure isn't on the top of my list. My quote's are what I asked for. A tractor with loader 40 hp range & 17-20k range.
What they're selling now is still Yanmar? I know the 50's are made in India, and not Yanmar.
Yep, most of the small tractors have Yanmar made chassis and engines. Perhaps things are somewhat different for the 4000 series and above now. Have not been keeping up. But Yanmar was the best little tractors of the 80's.....and Deere sewed up the distribution rights to these tractors back then. Lots of good brands now on the market. Kioti was making parts and engines for Kubota until they started making their own brand. They make a good product....but their distribution ambitions have yet not materialized.

There are a few dealers that do big parts biz via the internet on some of these brands. It may be worth someones time. I dunno.....I like the local availability of parts and service....but I'm not willing to pay significant more money for the parts and service. Kioti owners seem happy to me.
I've looked at used. The only used ones in my area are rentals. I've rented eq. before and know how they are treated so buying a rental sure isn't on the top of my list. My quote's are what I asked for. A tractor with loader 40 hp range & 17-20k range.

Yep, I wuddnt touch a rental either. You gotta do some looking on Tractorhouse.com and on mahcinefinder.com. Maybe Craigslist too. Don't be afraid to pass on a tractor that sounds fishy. Buy a late model cream puff with a warranty....and your golden IMO. (no guarantees from me however :D) Theres lots of tractors to choose from if you do your homework and can be a bit patient.