What would you do


5 year old buck +
If this came under your stand. It had a collar and I think I know the owner is.

I ain't sayin, last time it ended in a pissing match with the boss!
You need to wait for a better shot angle.
You need to wait for a better shot angle.
I had many both coming and going he stuck around under the tree for about 5 minutes. Really lingered both coming and going.
If you aren't going to fix the problem permanent , find time to mix some premium dog food with ex-lax and let him go home might prevent wandering about in the future .
If you aren't going to fix the problem permanent , find time to mix some premium dog food with ex-lax and let him go home might prevent wandering about in the future .
I don't think he's an indoor pet.
He's a farm dog if I have the owner right.
At least it's only one, I have 4 or 5 roaming my place. The warden is issuing another warning to the owners tomorrow. I may live trap them and take them with me to Montana on my elk hunt.
Is the ground frozen yet?
At least it's only one, I have 4 or 5 roaming my place. The warden is issuing another warning to the owners tomorrow. I may live trap them and take them with me to Montana on my elk hunt.
He must have left his buddies at home as I have caught 3 on the cams.
I had 2 of those wandering my place this spring. Talked to one of my neighbors and he said one of them "died" over the summer and the other one hasn't been seen. I love my neighbors.
Our hood isa a drop zone for appleton kids who think they want a dog. The hood doesnt tolerate them.

Yep, I'm surrounded by Amish and farmers who take their deer hunting serious. They don't allow their own dogs to run so anybody else's dogs that are running free get taken care of. I do have to say that I personally talked to the owner and showed him trail cam pics of the dogs on my property. Some of the other neighbors also talked to him as well so he can't say he wasn't warned.
I had a couple loose dogs on camera with some frequency until I started asking around for the owners and questioning if we had a trespassing issue or a safety issue - and that if my kid was anywhere near either pooch without prior confirmation that they're friendly (trespassing issue), that I would put them down before they're given the chance to pose a threat. I also had an instance where I encountered both of them charging at me and I took a warning shot which was not going to be repeated (this was communicated to those who were spoken to about the dogs).

Funny, I haven't seen either one for a couple years since. :) Maybe the wolves got em? :rolleyes:

I'm at the point where it's shoot on sight now. I'm deathly allergic to dog saliva. Yeah, that's it... :D
Like the saying goes goes. There's more than one way to skin a cat. All I will say is there are no wolf's In the hood. But .my pack will have a new silent item.
Nothing, try to be still and undetected. In the public land where my stand would be there would probably be a grouse hunter (or a wolf) not too far behind the dog.
Public land: you get what comes along and you pretty much have to grin and bear it. Private land with animal you can't prove isn't feral: buh-bye!

Now if someone's dog was along my road shoulder (the public one, that isn't cabled off) and ran a bit further than I wanted them to while out walking with it's owner. I'd speak to the owner. If I had a known dog that's owner didn't care what it was doing, it's harassing me and infringing upon my right to enjoying my property as I choose.

If it's owner cared so much about their pet, they'd keep it on a leash.

Now here's one that gets funny; "Complainer #2" (neighbors) had two dogs they free ranged so they'd poop elsewhere (they're one cabin away from us). The guy's an ex-cop, and his daughter's a public defender for the county (was at the time, now she works for the Indians). 'Buddy' starts nipping at kiddo's face in the middle of the street, and the ex-cop actually has the balls to say "he thinks it's his turf." I wasn't there or Buddy would've never lived to see what happened later and the true gist of this tale. So a few years go by, Buddy and Ally (their other mutt) get up in age and Ally croaks. Buddy's on a special diet, yet they still let him roam to eat up all the table scraps we left out to feed the wildlife. We "shouldn't leave food out like that if he can get into it." Boo friggen Hoo! So I'm up North around Christmas trying to spear a bruiser the last week of the season, and I figured I'd go for some yotes after New Years since I had one calling really close a couple weeks before that. I'd stopped at the butcher's on my way up to get some trimmings to make a baitcicle with. 2 days wasn't long enough to freeze the water, and the Mrs. calls me to come home since she can't keep any food down. I dumped the bloody brine along my tree line 20 some feet off the pavement in a snow drift. 4 days later Ms. public defender calls leaving a voicemail at our house about "someone dumped rotten meat on our property, and Buddy got into it and got sick all over their floor." I called her back, told her it was me, informed her she was trespassing and so was her dog, and to use a leash. :D Poison's not a legal hunting method, but baiting yotes is. Nothing they could get me on. She pouted a little sigh of disgust before ending the call. That was 5 years ago. Buddy's still alive, and on a leash. :p
Spoke to the neighbors and no one claimed the dog. So I'm guessing that it's a ferall dog that could possibly be hazardous.
Looked rabid to me. ;)