What to spray before planting conifer trees?


5 year old buck +
What has worked and not worked when spraying before planting spruce and white ceder trees. Thanks in advance.
What are you planting the spruce into? I am working with allot of Reed Canary Grass and Plan on using roundup before I plant and then Oust XP each spring before budbreak as a pre-emergent to slow down or stop the grass. I also need to spend some time reading how and when I can use clethodim. If I can spray clethodim over spruce after bud break i will most likely also be using that. I need my spruce to get to 3-4 feet tall so they can compete with the reed canary. I will then be spray for 3-5 years.
I also dealing with reed canary and thick fescue. I have had some luck with pricep at the 4 qt rate, but have only used it on second year trees. Every time I spray round-up I get a terrible crop of thistles and was hoping there was someting I could put down before I planted.
Here is a link to Lickcreeks recommendation on Outreach Outdoors. I have not tried Oust but with Reed Canary you need every tool in the tool box. Oust might be a good option as it might stop your thistle problem.

The problem I see with Reed Canary is its so evasive you need to keep up with it by spraying several times aq year or it will just out-compete your trees and they simply disapear.

I have not ordered my trees yet I may try oust this year and plant next.
I've got a teen with a weed whip for the areas I can't spray next to!:)
Mnjohn-If you are not in reed canary, just find a single bottom plow and turn a single furrow.

We used a scalper with a tree planter when I planted bare roots about 25 years ago. The scalper rolled the sod like a single bottom plow.
I've got rocks tried to plow a furrow before, did not work well. The less I disturb my soil the better.
I have used Oust XP at 1/2 to 3/4 Oz. per acre mixed with Princep at 1 gallon per acre with excellent results. If you get thistle or burdock later in the season, you might have to hit it with Transline. You can spray Transline (active ingredient Clopyralid) right over growing conifers.
I have used Oust XP at 1/2 to 3/4 Oz. per acre mixed with Princep at 1 gallon per acre with excellent results. If you get thistle or burdock later in the season, you might have to hit it with Transline. You can spray Transline (active ingredient Clopyralid) right over growing conifers.
Thanks ELH, Are you spraying the Oust XP/Pricep in early spring before bud break?
Yes, definitely before bud break.