What to plant on orchard floor?


5 year old buck +
Will be prepping a hill side this year for an apple orchard planting next year. What should I plant? The soil has a top layer (12 inches or so) of clay from a pond dig. Not planting clover - thanks for the help!
That depends, are you planning on terminating it back to bare dirt or are you looking for something to act as your permanent orchard ground cover?
That depends, are you planning on terminating it back to bare dirt or are you looking for something to act as your permanent orchard ground cover?
Looking for permanent ground cover between the rows - thanks!
I would normally say Dutch white clover or a mix of white clover varieties in a situation like this. If you don't want clover and you are on any kind of slope at all, a grass combination of shorter growing stuff like red fescue/perennial ryegrass/Kentucky bluegrass would help hold that soil and provide low, long term ground cover.
I'd agree with Whip on the grass selection. The mix he suggested is a good one. It'll make mowing and keeping weeds down easier. Also - you won't have to worry about killing bees if you spray for bugs like you would with clover on the ground.
Wiscwhip & Bowsbucks - Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate the specific recommendation !!