What to do with food plot


5 year old buck +
I planted two new food plots in the spring in buckwheat. It is starting to seed out and the deer are hammering it. I was going to till it under late August and plant clover but since the deer are using it heavily,
and the soil most likely can use the green manure, I was wondering would I be better off planting something for fall/winter and then plant buckwheat again in the spring.

It is early enough in the year that if that BW drops seed any time soon, you will get a second crop this summer. I would personally let that happen(we did this many times on our old place). Once the majority seeds out and starts to drop, mow or roll the BW down. This will not only help break down the OM, it will also allow plenty of light to reach those new seeds. They should germinate within a couple weeks at most. Then come back and terminate the second crop of BW with gly sometime in mid to late August before you put your fall planting in. You may not get the full growth potential from the second crop, but it makes no difference when you consider that it was free seed and whatever extra green manure you can gain from it is a bonus and again free. You will also have that second crop shading out weeds for an additional amount of time, also very beneficial. You may end up with some volunteer BW in your fall planting also, but if your deer are using it, who really cares? It will be toast with the first couple of frosts anyway, so no harm, no foul. Good luck and keep us posted.
Is it thinning out at all? If sunlight is making it to the ground you can broadcast your clover right into it. Could do the same with rye or brassicas. Maybe even roll half of it down over the seed to see which half does better.
The one plot is still pretty thick but the other is thin enough for sunlight to penetrate.
Is it thinning out at all? If sunlight is making it to the ground you can broadcast your clover right into it. Could do the same with rye or brassicas. Maybe even roll half of it down over the seed to see which half does better.
I like the idea bueller, but I'm not sure how well late June or July seeded clover and brassica will do in Virginia? Something like this may not work as well in Zone 7 as it does in Zone 4?
I like the idea bueller, but I'm not sure how well late June or July seeded clover and brassica will do in Virginia? Something like this may not work as well in Zone 7 as it does in Zone 4?
Good point i didnt catch that. He is in double or even triple crop country.