I think you are right. There are clearly things a tractor can do that an ATV/UTV will never be able to do. They simply were not made for it. The real question is this. If one is working on a small scale, say just a couple 1/4 acre plots and knows they will never expand, say because they only have a small tract of land, given the throw and mow planting techniques lend themselves to most of what we plant to attract deer, is the cost of a tractor worth it?
ATVs and UTVs can also do things a tractor cannot. Things they were designed to do. So for folks working on the multi-acre per year scale, I think you are right, it is a no-brainer. And, if they don't have a fixed amount of land for plotting, most of us wish we had purchased a larger tractor than the one we got. However, for folks working on a small scale, it is not that clear that a tractor is necessary. If budget is not an option, the best answer is both!
I can compare this to a decision on chainsaws. I can do things with a larger saw that I can't do with a small saw, but not visa versa.
Things a UTV can do that a tractor can't...
Go somewhere faster and ride passengers. That's about it. They may be able to get into tighter areas, but if you compare a tractor of similar HP then there isn't much difference.
Things a tractor can do that a UTV can't...
Attachments. Front loader, forks, 3 point attachments by the dozens, belly mower, larger capacity sprayers, dump trailers, and I'm sure there's a lot more that can be added to this list.
I'm by no means a large scale, or even medium scale plotter. I own 31 acres and plot about 4 or 5 acres, but there's so much more to being a land owner/habitat manager than just plotting. My last 2 tractors have (had) front loaders (the previous tractors didn't) and I don't know how I lived without one.
Moving logs, making firewood, snow plowing, brush hogging/mowing, hauling rocks and gravel, grading, carrying tools and other gear, scooping and lifting...some of these things a UTV can do but not as well as a tractor.
Yeah, if I had the money and the barn space for both, I
might consider having a UTV, but I don't have barn space or unlimited cash. But if it's an
"either-or" decision, a UTV has to be the 2nd choice.