what ticks can do

It kinda makes one think when you go to the dr, and they Google your symptoms, and show you the results. Then give you a prescription from what they found on Google. I guess I like the fact he did more research, since he obviously didn't know, but to just use the same sources I can, and do it right in front of me, doesn't give you the warm and fuzzy feeling you are feeling with knowledge.

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Oh I figure before long your gonna get diagnosed by a machine and a little receipt will come out with your ailment on it! Be like the damn blood pressure machine near the counter of the pharmacy in wal-mart! Swipe your card or read that stupid little chip thing. Take temp, do some sort of star-trek scan shit, check the BP, pulse and heart rate, plug in a few symptoms and BAM.....you get a receipt like piece of paper with your diagnosis on it...."Congratulation you have gonnaheprasyphalites.....you have 3 days to live......have a nice day!!!" Great....just great....came in with the sniffles....now I'm dying!!! Be something like that Idiocracy movie!
much appreciated J-bird, will keep the focus on what's important for sure. Got some line at Dick's today to restring the poles in anticipation of the first day of trout this Saturday, will meet the men/boys early Sat for breakfast and convinced them to go where we normally go, while the boy and I stay local, even if it's only for an hour or so.
Getting back to ticks. Never been bit. How do you not know one is bitting you. Do you not feel it, do they not itch? Ticks are just spreading to my area, never saw one till last year. Going to have to keep a close eye on the kids.
I've only been bitten once AS FAR AS I KNOW. I had just gotten out of the shower after being in the woods, and I felt a very slight "jab" like someone was barely touching me with a needle. It was on my belt line behind my hip. I asked my wife to look at the spot and sure enough, one of the bastards was beginning to bite. However. It was not one of the tiny deer ticks...I'm not sure if a person would feel the bite from a tiny deer tick or not.
One thing is for sure...A hot shower may not wash one off of you. And I've heard stories about the places that they can hide. (Is that a tick or a 'roid?).
A few comments on the thread...
I'm very sorry to hear about all your son's troubles, Paul. My prayers are with him.
I know of a guy near camp that his life has become a nightmare due to Lyme disease. The poor man has sooo many SERIOUS health issues. He's practically a cripple.
In case some readers haven't read the other thread, or don't know...Permethrin is the way to go. Get some and use it.
As far as the health care debate goes... If the government would stay out of it and let the free market do it's thing, then competition would drive prices down and quality would improve.
If you think health care is expensive now, just wait until it's "free". And if you think it's screwed up now, just wait until we have single payer. Those idiots in Washington can't handle the VA, what makes you think they can "insure" 350 million people? Just wait until the insurance industry collapses due to their meddling and we have single payer. There will be no aspect of your lifestyle that they won't invade because "it is needed for the system". They are already trying to control our diet.
And foremost...the federal government has no constitutional standing to be involved in health insurance. Stay the hell out of our lives and do only those duties that our beloved constitution allows...no more no less.
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Back to ticks...
There's something that I just can't explain.
My property has no ticks. It's only 31 acres but it's ideal tick habitat. I have a ton of tick-carrying wildlife pretty much constantly. When I handle a deer it has lots of ticks on it. If I wander off my property in almost any direction, (without permethrin clothes), I get ticks on me. 3 years ago just off the edge of my property, I helped track a deer in 37 degree November temps. In 3 hours I picked 58 ticks off me (yes, I was counting them).
No doubt, the ticks are VERY nearby my place. They are on the deer that are constantly present all over my property.
But in the 31 years that I've owned the property, I've never picked a single tick off of myself, my wife, friends, dogs, etc, that came from my property. Habitat work, berry picking, hunting, general property maintenance and never 1 tick in 31 years. For 14 of those years, I had a springer spaniel and she was in the weeds constantly. Same with her...never a single tick from my place.
This seems impossible to me, but it's 100% the accurate truth.
Do any of you guys have any clue why this would be? I certainly can't explain it.
Ticks and tick bites are nothing to take lightly. Nasty bugs
I dont know how many ticks I have pulled off of me, thousands I would bet. As for ones that are latched on, maybe a hundred. My deer hunting land is loaded in ticks, and loaded with deer ticks. Most years I treat my dogs with Frontline April through September, but this year when I went up on April 1st, I thought they may be out, but I doubt very many, well I was very wrong, I have been pulling them off the dogs since. I had contacted lymes during the November deer hunting season in northern Wisconsin one year. It latched on on the back of my head, at the edge of the hairline. I found the small tick and I figured it couldnt have been on very long, when I pulled it off, the head wasnt on the tick, and we dug for it, but never found it. Well the area started to get very sore to the touch after about a week, I couldnt tell if there was a bulls eye or not, because it was in my hair. Shortly after I got back home from deer hunting, I started noticing body aches, and a headache that wouldnt go away. I thought of the tick bite right away, so I went into the dr, and told them my symptoms, and about the tick, they just said we can test you, but we can prescribe the antibiotics with out the test, so that was the route I went. Within a couple weeks, my symptoms were gone. But to this day, I still get body aches, and headaches for no reason, and somedays to the point it is hard to function normally.

Now I take prevention much more seriously. I make sure my dogs get their lymes shots, and I typically dont let other family and friends in the woods during the months of late April through mid June unless needed, then we all spray down, and check ourselves thoroughly when we come back in.
4Wanderingeyes did you ever get the Lyme test done?
I did not. The reason I didnt was because my health insurance had a $3000 deductible, and it was December, and I hadnt even been to the dr that year, so it would have all come from out of pocket. The dr said the test was expensive, so I elected to just treat it with the antibiotics for under $10.