What is this?


5 year old buck +
Guys I got this picture on my 52 acre farm. This picture is not very clear, but you can notice the ears and the muscular body.

The animal has a long tail too, which I could see in the second blurry photo. What is it? I'm in MNCat pic.JPG
cougar would be my guess, of course it could just be a dog
I don't know? There was a cougar spotted north of this area? It looks so muscular
Tom cat? Cant tell how tall it is but you may know the height.
Tom cat? Cant tell how tall it is but you may know the height.

It is possible? That was my first thought, but weird build (cat on steroids?)
How tall are those weeds? Looks like an up close shot of a gray squirrel to me.
A squirrel moving around at 2 in the morning is usually a dead squirrel. I have never seen one move after dark in MN. Never had one on camera either after dark??

The weeds are normal size.
ears look pointed. I'd say cougar.
Can you put a hat or a beer can in the same location and take a photo as a size reference ?

It's kind of a long walk, but I could measure up distance sometime in the future....I hope it is a squirrel and not a cougar...that would be bad. Cougar was sighted in that area before.
don't see a tail gonna guess bob cat or house cat
Not trying to yank your chain or sound like the DNR. Just that sometimes things up close on these cams get distorted and look larger than they are. Having something to compare the size to would help eliminate things.

No I see what you are saying. I'm kinda stumped on this one.
My guess would be feral house cat or bobcat. If you look at the size of the leaves both in front and behind the animal and compare to animal it isn't that big.
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Oops. Scratch that.
Bob would be my guess.