What is the best way to broadcast urea into 3-6 week old brassicas plot?


Yearling... With promise
Hey Guys-

I have been reading that a lot of guys are having great success broadcasting urea in their brassicas plot after they are approximately 4 to 6 inches tall. I have never done this before and was wondering if most people use their atv and spreader to do this? I didn't know if the brassicas would recover from all the tire tracks from the Atv. Thanks for your response.
Dont worry about the tire tracks. Some of the brassicas u run over will be injured, but the ones along side will help make up for it. Some that you run over will be just fine. You get a lot better crop response to urea putting it on a few weeks after germination.

I do mine with a walk behind broadcast spreader. I only have an acre and I can do it in about 30 mins. If I had more I would get an ATV spreader. MFDC8218.JPG
I just used a push spreader today, it worked out pretty good. A lot seemed to be knocked over, so I am hoping it will bounce back. The plot in the picture was about a foot tall. Planted on June 17 with a Sugar beer, brassica mixture.

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Hoping some of this will drop some rain on me.

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