What herbicide to use on brush close to trees?


5 year old buck +
Is 2-4D mixed with Gly safe to spray in surrounding areas around my trees without harming them? I’m just thinking about the run off and getting in the soil. I know the Gly is safe, but will the 2-4D harm them? It’s mostly blackberry bushes that are going crazy. I planted a few trees in bad locations and it’s coming back to haunt me , but live and learn.
I don't spray anything around my fruit trees. I know some folks do. I'm always worried about drift. I hurt some of my other trees when spraying a field with gly when an unexpected wind gust hit. This was a jujube tree that got hit. It did not kill it, but it hasn't recovered years later. It is still very small compared to its companion trees planted at the same time.

For things like blackberry, is there some reason you don't just remove them mechanically? I use landscape cloth and stone mulch to prevent competition close to the tree. I just mow outside the cages. I sometimes get stuff growing too close to the cage to mow. I just use loppers once a year on it. I doubt that the residual ground effect of 24D would hurt a tree provided the tree itself is not hit with spray, but don't take that to the bank. It is just my guess.


I could use loppers but I just thought spraying would be easier. That’s what they are doing, growing by the welder wire fence I got around my trees. It’s also that stuff that wraps around the cage and grows crazy, whatever that’s called. I do have landscape fabric and stone around the base of them.
I use gly around mine using backpack Stihl sprayer. Just be careful around green suckers and low limbs. I never had a problem. Just don’t rush it
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I use fly around mine using backpack Stihl sprayer. Just be careful around green suckers and low limbs. I never had a problem. Just don’t rush it

Never heard of “fly”...does it work well?

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Big issue is initial drift when spraying. If you create a cardboard screen on the downwind side, and keep your sprayer close to the area you are spraying, should minimize damage.
Solo 4900430 Sprayer Drift Guard with Flat Nozzle on Amazon for $25
Way overpriced for a piece of plastic,. but you can make your own with 5 quart ice cream bucket.
Keep it low to the ground and avoid spraying suckers and lower limb leaves.
I could use loppers but I just thought spraying would be easier. That’s what they are doing, growing by the welder wire fence I got around my trees. It’s also that stuff that wraps around the cage and grows crazy, whatever that’s called. I do have landscape fabric and stone around the base of them.

Yes, In my case it is Japanese honeysuckle that grows up the cages. I found that it stays green in the winter when trees are dormant. It seems like there a lot of it because it grows so fast. My solution was just to ignore it during the growing season. After the growing season when my trees go dormant and I have more time, I simply look near the bottom of the cage for where it is growing into the ground. I cut it there and dab a little gly on the stalk. The greenery dies and it doesn't hurt the cage or block the sun.


Solo 4900430 Sprayer Drift Guard with Flat Nozzle on Amazon for $25
Way overpriced for a piece of plastic,. but you can make your own with 5 quart ice cream bucket.
Keep it low to the ground and avoid spraying suckers and lower limb leaves.
View attachment 23868

Really ... $25 too expensive? This looks perfectly built for my needs.

I also save myself from 5 quarts of ice cream :emoji_astonished::emoji_relaxed:
Solo 4900430 Sprayer Drift Guard with Flat Nozzle on Amazon for $25
Way overpriced for a piece of plastic,. but you can make your own with 5 quart ice cream bucket.
Keep it low to the ground and avoid spraying suckers and lower limb leaves.
View attachment 23868
There is $3 in plastic in that part, but someone paid $100k for the molds needed to make that simple part! $25 is a fair price :emoji_ok_hand::emoji_runner:
Ok, somehow those emojis were added to the end of my prior response but I didn't mean to put them there. Could have been worse i guess-