What do you think of this oak?

Jimmy G

5 year old buck +
So in my area of Minnesota I have a lot of bur,pin and northern red oak on my property. All my bur oaks are pretty huge old trees. While checking out the acorn crop today I noticed an oak that caught my eye. (All my bur oaks have basically the same leaf shape, pretty obvious huh) This oak is about a foot in diameter compared to the other much larger burs. It's on a edge near the gravel road in a line with the others. I just thought it was interesting that the leaves have a much slimmer profile than all my other burs...

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Almost looks more like a white oak leaf.
Post oak maybe?
Those leaves r a bit odd from same tree as lower right is more white oak looking but upper left is more like swamp white oak.

However for me I would probably look at the bark. A one ft dia tree is gonna b old enough to have bark way different between a burr or white oak. At least to me a true white oak has pretty distinct bark when they get that size

And close up the smaller branches will not have the corky appearance/ridges like burrs

Definitely not post oak as that has a more cross/4 lobish look
Many of my bur oaks have leaves that resemble the bottom right leave’s
Sorry I should have clarified on the pictures. The bottom picture..the two leaves on the right are the tree in question, the other 4 leaves are burs around my property. Top picture is just a close up of the leaves.

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I have observed a bunch of bur oaks in MN this year that have leaves like this but likely also have the typical bur oak leaves on other parts of the tree OR they looked like typical bur leaves early in the growth season before looking more like the ones posted here.
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