What do u do?



i saw 3 bucks between 0700-0730. One was a wide 140"er who had a little buddy. I think they are bedded 100 yards from me. I grunted and they just kept walking.
0745-0815 the does move in at least 7 of them. Than strolls out a pretty 130" 3 year old 10 point at 15 yards. He grunts a couple times and kinda trots up to a doe, she ran off and he cared less.
Now 5 does are bedded at 40 yards, and a shooter buck bedded at 100.
I've been here before and pulled an all Dayer, but I'm not really up for it today. Actually I took off from work this morning and should return. Can't call in sick because they know I'm hunting.
I don't care about shooting this buck because there is bigger, but I want to keep this spot fresh. I get out and every deer is gonna know it. Shame on me for coming in here a little early.....
Every doe is bedded up against the fallen tree tops.

hoe do u post video with photobucket?
You know you have to stay right where you are. Should have packed a lunch.

Maybe they will move at about 11:00
Forget photo bucket. Download tapatalk pic can be posted directly.
I think you have to stay. That is the risk with hunting this time of year when you have someplace to be.
Well things changed a little, a different 125" 2 year old ten moved in. Walked one of the does off and came back to bed down. A little nuber joined him. The two are at 70 yards now
He's got his eyes closed haha
Worst case scenario: Use dog bark on your phone ringer settings.
Still there?
A pack of yotes came in and every deer scattered. The small ten ran under me. I wasn't gonna lob an arrow at 50 yard yote.
I've said it many times, the apparent experts say nothing about predator impact on their sanctuaries.

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You in the tree yet.
Very interesting morning. I saw a total of 4 bucks, and they might have been ages 1-4. The shooter 140"er and the yearling cared less, they just came off the ridge and bedded. The 130" ten cared enough to just check on the does to see what was up, and he walked off to bed. He likely bedded along the ridge and swamp where thy always bed. The 120" ten showed up last. He showed enough interest to walk off with a doe(almost like he got rid of her), but came right back and bedded down. It was really funny watching the nuber buck approach him(like he was looking up to him).
This isn't a doe bedding area or buck bedding area. This isn't even the thickest part of the property. Deer just like to bed here. I've kicked both bucks and does up in this couple acre spot, and at all times of year.
And it all got spoiled by a pack of yotes! Days like this teach u so much about deer behavior and remind me of how simple their lives our.

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This is the 120"er bedding down with the nuber. He payed here for about 45 minutes, before the yotes came in and he ran right under me. I could see him dozing off. He never completely closed his eyes, but he was clearly resting.
Video isn't the best I know, it's from my phone. Wish I coulda got some better stuff, but I'm a hunter first. I'm never gonna try to film hunts.

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Some more of the 130"er. Man he was a pretty buck, and will likely get shot this fall. I just couldn't do it, I want them bigger.

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My hunting buddy and neighbor got his buck yesterday. This buck occasionally used my property when it was flirting with booner status last year. He was going downhill, and my buddy owned this deers core area.
We killed almost half of our 40 coyotes on this property last winter. My buddies hunt wasn't spoiled by coyotes like mine was yesterday ;)

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I know your frugal but you need to spring for a video camera.