What Companies Provide Pollinator (grass & flowers) Seeds?

I've done a lot of research into individual seed that is native to my area, and I sourced out the cheapest prices per seed amongst about 5-6 places.

I can send you my file if you'd like. It's composed for NW MN, but could provide some value. It's in excel and has bloom color, bloom period, height, wet/dry conditions, price per oz, and the cheapest place. Trust me, I spent HOURS compiling this list, but it was a great way to learn something I was incredibly green at. To the point I could pinpoint joe pye weed the first time this summer, without ever actually knowing it was a plant before. I also thought dogbane was swamp milkweed up until last June. It's a fun journey. Some of the primary seed sources I used are below, in case you don't care to receive my file.

WIth monarchs hitting endangered species list, and my daughters growing up in the country, and my interests shifting into more geriatric interests, I've felt it imperative to do my part in making my little space a safe haven for pollinators. I've got common milkweed everywhere, but would like to expand it to take over all my early successsional areas, along wtih introducing natives back to the landscape.

If you want to share your goals, I'd be more than happy to nerd out and provide anything I've learned the last 6 months. If you got wetlands, definitely consider great angelica(super cheap) as it's a host for black swallowtails(not sure if we even have them), and definitely add joe pye/ironweed/swamp milkweed for summer nectar, and asters/goldenrods for fall. It's way more fun going out looking for natural things vs just checking on food plots. I've found michigan lily and northern blue flag iris as well in our lowland areas. Beautiful species!

link to websites below

Chesak seed house (bismarck ND) -- by far the cheapest seed for wildflowers. new england aster there is only like $12/oz!
Prairie moon (winona mn) -- best selection of avaialble seed. good prices
Prairie nursery (westfield wi) -- more expensive but great website for pictures and info
Shooting star (spring grove mn) -- probably the best priced NWG
prairie restoration (princeton mn) -- best price for blue grama BY FAR
star seed (nebraska i think?) -- best price for butterfly milkweed
prairie seed farms (somewhere iowa) -- website doesn't refelct prices, need to email for price list
stock seed (nebraska)
What a great post. Thanks my man
What a great post. Thanks my man
You got it. I don't come here as much as I used to, but I'm still out there trying to learn and will share and try and add value here when I can. I never once thought I'd spend so much time researching flowers. I also never thought in a milllion years I'd be ooing and awing over flowers I see and using a plant ID app to expand my knowledge. I want my daughters to grow up with fond memories of daddy taking them to see deer, butterflies, helping caterpillars turn into butterflies, talking to owls, and experiencing the natural world. Selfishly, it's more fun when you can share it with someone. :)
You got it. I don't come here as much as I used to, but I'm still out there trying to learn and will share and try and add value here when I can. I never once thought I'd spend so much time researching flowers. I also never thought in a milllion years I'd be ooing and awing over flowers I see and using a plant ID app to expand my knowledge. I want my daughters to grow up with fond memories of daddy taking them to see deer, butterflies, helping caterpillars turn into butterflies, talking to owls, and experiencing the natural world. Selfishly, it's more fun when you can share it with someone. :)
That’s my whole motivation in habitat work. For my boys (8 and 6).