What’s going on with this apple tree?


5 year old buck +
Here’s the others next to the tree in question:


The tree in question:

This tree has looked like this every year for at least the past 3 years.


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Is it a Honeycrisp apple tree? This looks like Iron Chlorosis. It's a physiological problem with young Honeycrisp trees.

I’d say you nailed it! That is a honeycrisp tree in question. I’ll read up on chlorosis for possible treatments.

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Is it a Honeycrisp apple tree? This looks like Iron Chlorosis. It's a physiological problem with young Honeycrisp trees.

How can It be fixed?
I think I’ve got a DroptTine doing the same thing, growing great but starting to droop like a weeping willow.
I don't know if this is the same, but I have some older 60+ yr old apple tree's and the past 4-5 yrs, about this time they ALL start going from green to yellow leaves, and many of the leaves then die and fall off
tree's still make good amounts of apples

but I been blaming it on a lot of excessive WET yrs and , many lat cold spells and frost!
as both have been very common since this started happening

there is about 20 tree's here doing it, some several hundred yards apart and of many varieties!
so that seemed like the best idea I had on what is happening, your maybe different,
but seems excessive water and cold spells turn my yellow and make them shed leaves way way early!
Turning yellowish and dropping leaves could be Marssonina leaf blotch. I saw that on a bunch of my trees and trees around this area in 2018 when we had a wet summer.