

5 year old buck +
As I'm learning about weeds I understand that some the deer use in some the deer don't depending on location. So I don't know if this is a good question or not but being in New York what are the weeds I should absolutely try to get rid of. I ask this because I have a buffer zone around the food plot that hasn't been sprayed and I'm going to spot spray and want to know which ones should be top priority to eliminate. so far it's thistle, Canadian thistle, garlic mustard Creeping Charlie and mullin.
I would suggest you talk to your NRCS office. They should be able to tell you what invasive weeds your area has and should be able to point you in the direction of a resource in being able to identify them. They may even be able to make a visit to your place as well and walk the place and show you which weeds to watch out for that you do have. Also keep in mind "weeds" is a relative term. A weed is a plant where you don't want it. Some call common ragweed in their clover plot a "weed". In fact it's deer food.....it's just not where they want it. For the most part simply focus on the noxious/invasive weeds that can get out of hand in a hurry.....especially if they are not in a food plot. Many "weeds" deer will eat at some growth stage of the plants life. I have browsed ragweeds plants right next to fresh soybeans....so the deer like variety. You will find every area has it's own "cross to bare" when it comes to noxious weeds. And to be honest, you just can't fight them all. Also reach out to Native Hunter in a PM and see if he specifically knows of some good resources for you to investigate.
Japanese Knotweed, Japanese Stilt Grass, Pa Smartweed, Mile-a-Minute, Dock. Horse Nettle...just to name a few.
Thank you
A list of my favorites to hate are:
Sedges: Yellow nut sedge
Grasses: Johnsongrass, jap stilt grass
Shrubs: jap bush honeysuckle, autumn olive, callery/bradford pear
Broadleaf: canada thistle, horse nettle, Multi-floral rose, curly-dock, red root pigweed
barberry, oriental bitter sweet, thorny sumac, russian olive/ eleagnus pungens, norway maple, multiflora rose, just to name a few of the woodier menaces
A list of my favorites to hate are:
Sedges: Yellow nut sedge
Grasses: Johnsongrass, jap stilt grass
Shrubs: jap bush honeysuckle, autumn olive, callery/bradford pear
Broadleaf: canada thistle, horse nettle, Multi-floral rose, curly-dock, red root pigweed
Holy crap...I can't believe I forgot to put canada thistle on my list.

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I found the perfect web-site and group for you Yarg on invasive species in the Catskills. It's called the Catskill Regional Invasive Species Partnership (CRISP).

Here is the web link. Look up at the top of the page for different links you can click on for plants and insects. This should really help you, and even give you some people to contact in your area who are interested in this subject:


It also has a place you can join a Listserv. Those are generally great places to interact with people close to you and interested in the same things you are.

Good luck.
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Thorny sumac? Does it have another name?
I found the perfect web-site and group for you Yarg on invasive species in the Catskills. It's called the Catskill Regional Invasive Species Partnership (CRISP).

Here is the web link. Look up at the top of the page for different links you can click on for plants and insects. This should really help you, and even give you some people to contact in your area who are interested in this subject:


It also has a place you can join a Listserv. Those are generally great places to interact with people close to you and interested in the same things you are.

Good luck.
Thank you