Way off topic - but funny!

That's awesome!
It sure took the Indians fan a long time to get what was going on!
Brutal !!! Just a tad s-l-o-w.
My iPad doesn't like something about that page. Keeps locking up.
Here is a screen capture of the buck from the Article Bill :


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That's a freak. Looks like a cross between a sheep and a deer.
I wouldn't even look in there too close:

I don't know the story behind this, but it seems the old boy had hunted this land for decades..... And the "new" land owner didn't approve:

I ran into this tonight... We don't have very many 'possums this far north, but we'll see one occasionally. I've never bothered to harm one, but I tend to do that with just about anything I don't eat (except mice, they get both barrels every chance I get!)

I haven't been a fan of them because I have heard they raid duck/goose nests for the eggs, but I don't know that for a fact. I really like that they eat so many ticks and rodents. I will drive around them on the highway from now on.
Look close!



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I give up John, what am I looking close at? I have studied this pic several times.
It's a painted endgate, not a real deer.
Excellent, I got a couple of you!!!

No fair, you said look close, I was looking too close:emoji_astonished: Now that I see it, it's very obvious!
A couple were going together for awhile. The man was a fisherman, hunter, etc. and she didn't seem to mind that he did that. She never complained about his time gone with this hobbies and the $$ he spent.

They decided to get married and things went along fine for several months. Then one day she started to complain about his time gone and the $ he spent.
She finally demanded that he sell his boat, guns and equipment and spend all his time with her.

He said you're beginning to sound like my EX-WIFE. She replied I didn't know you'd been married before.

I haven't he said