Have any of you come up with a way to keep the water tanks from freezing? I have thought about an aerator or bubbler hooked to a battery with a solar panel, but I am not sure if this would just slightly prolong the inevitable freeze or greatly increase the time the water would stay unfrozen. I was thinking a 12v 20ah Lifepoe4 battery, a dual bubbler that draws .4 amps, and a 12v 20watt solar panel. I am no engineer so I am uncertain if this would even keep the bubbler running 24/7 or not. I assume once it freezes there would be no thawing taking place with the bubbler? It would run about $140 to give it a shot, but I just dont know if it would be worth it. I can imagine if it would keep the water open/unfrozen it would be a real attraction in the dead of winter.