Wanna hit the gym?


5 year old buck +
Our neighbor has 8 cows that roam his property. They routinely wander into neighbors woods and it just happened to be they found our standing corn and bean field. These cows have been around for 4-5 years and as you can see, are built like a tank. They are no longer on our land anymore.
That would upset me. Just imagine how much they ate off your food plot.
Oh trust me, I was upset. My cousin was even more upset by it, but when the neighbor did 20 some years in prison for armed robbery and is more than a little crazy, I don't want to mess with the guy. My cousin and I fixed fence yesterday and hopefully this takes care of the issue.
MMMMMMmmmmmm..........beef, it's what's for dinner. "Cows? Nope haven't seen any cows 'round these parts mister."
Yup, ^^^you have the Jackpine Savages in the pine covered north and the Hillbillies in the southern bluffs. Either way nets you the same results.
Some of the rumors I've heard about this neighbor is just downright scary stuff. I just hope I never get on his bad side lol
Even more reason to not put up w his crap! I am guessing if he is a convicted felon he has a short leash w the law. First time he threatened ore gave me trouble I would have the law on speed dial.