Vitamin Supplement to Add to Mineral Mix


Yearling... With promise
I'm looking to mix my own mineral and plan to use the common di-cal, trace mineral, rock salt mix. When reviewing a lot of mineral for sale it shows Vitamin A, D, and E as ingredients. Does anyone know a vitamin supplement I can add to my mix to add these? I'm guessing there's something out there for livestock?
Jack, I didn't know you were so wild! Well done.

We were having a little fun here @kyhunter87 - I think it's safe to say neither of us know an answer to your question.

Yes, I was being a little tongue-in-cheek. If you search the mineral supplement threads, you see my view on mineral supplementation. No need to rehash all that again here. I did not take the time to check to see you were new to the forums and may not have those threads. Welcome to the forum!

Best of luck,

I'm looking to mix my own mineral and plan to use the common di-cal, trace mineral, rock salt mix. When reviewing a lot of mineral for sale it shows Vitamin A, D, and E as ingredients. Does anyone know a vitamin supplement I can add to my mix to add these? I'm guessing there's something out there for livestock?
Most farm supply stores have a mineral additive of AD and E. I buy a 40 Lbs bag at Fleet Farm and add to my mix.
Most stores that sell feed will have something for calves, that would be your cheapest route.
Most farm supply stores have a mineral additive of AD and E. I buy a 40 Lbs bag at Fleet Farm and add to my mix.
What's the name of the stuff you're buying?