Video of Bluebird Fledglings


5 year old buck +
For the forum members who enjoyed the bluebird box video I shared on Mother's Day, here's a follow-up I was able to make thanks to a game camera placed on an ANCIENT (and slowly decaying) live oak branch. Actually put the camera up last year after I noticed the limb got lots of use as a perch by all kinds of different birds. Ever find the time, hope to put a video together showing just how many species have actually used it... from the tiniest of wrens to the biggest of owls!

Better get you a house up there before that limb falls,I am ordering some bluebird house kits today
Better get you a house up there before that limb falls,I am ordering some bluebird house kits today
Buckdeer1, these were birds that already left a box just a few yards from the limb. Only way I could keep them off that limb would be to pull it down, and so many critters have been using it as a perch for years I figure it'll come down in God's time. That and with about 70 ancient live oaks on my place it'd take me a week to pull dead limbs from them all. Amazes me each time I pull a card from that camera how many hickory shell fragments fill cracks and voids in the limb... lots of bugs too. Limb may be dead, but it's a tremendous host to other life.