
5 year old buck +
In the words of Monty Python, and now for something completely different! NINJA SQUIRRELS!!! :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So here's the backstory -- from December 2019 through December 2020, I had a camera placed approximately 15 feet up in a live oak tree aimed at an ancient and slowly decaying limb. My goal was to see how many birds used the limb as a perch, and the answer was MANY (a video share for another day) but what I didn't suspect was just how many INSANELY HYPER squirrel videos I would record, with the nighttime flying squirrels taking things to a whole different acrobatic level!

While quickly reviewing videos from one of the camera card pulls, it was actually my daughter who laughingly described the flying squirrels as "Ninja squirrels", and thus the inspiration for the video and background music choice!

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The grays look more like yoga squirrels than ninjas...
In the words of Monty Python, and now for something completely different! NINJA SQUIRRELS!!! :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So here's the backstory -- from December 2019 through December 2020, I had a camera placed approximately 15 feet up in a live oak tree aimed at an ancient and slowly decaying limb. My goal was to see how many birds used the limb as a perch, and the answer was MANY (a video share for another day) but what I didn't suspect was just how many INSANELY HYPER squirrel videos I would record, with the nighttime flying squirrels taking things to a whole different acrobatic level!

While quickly reviewing videos from one of the camera card pulls, it was actually my daughter who laughingly described the flying squirrels as "Ninja squirrels", and thus the inspiration for the video and background music choice!

Your daughter might like this video. It's really funny! "I know, I know" when you click the link it's 20 minutes and that seems too long. But I guarantee you will watch it at least one more time. This dude used to work for NASA. He has a TON of other really awesome videos. Basically they teach science in a really fun way:

Very fun video Big Bend. The yawn was a perfect "natural" ending.