Venison requests are up


5 year old buck +
I’ve always had a couple of older guys who ask me for 15# of good venison trim to have a small batch of sausage made. No problem.

But this year has been kind of crazy. As I sit here, having taken zero deer with my bow so far, I have 5 people wanting a whole deer.

One is a BIL who just lost his job, another is a divorced single mother, yet another is a young couple each working 2 jobs but are broke as a joke.

What they all have in common, is that the feel like they NEED venison now.

Anybody else seeing this?
Not on venison in particular but yes economy is crap likely getting a lot worse. I suspect a very likely layoff hitting my company come January 2024.
Haven't had the request for venison, but, I couldn't give a fat wild pig away for years. This year, everyone's asking me all about them, wanting to know if they're safe to eat. Yep, I think they are when cooked right, it's organic as you can get, etc... They want the next one I shoot. I tell them no problem, I'll bring you one, you have to process it.
That's when the want seems to fade...
I have a few family friends in SE Ohio who are hard off. We give them a few deer a year between my buddy and I. Feels good to know a family is having good healthy venison vs. some cheap fast food crap.

And ps. I love venison but I don’t mind shooting extra deer for them.
In years past I always had to at least skin / quarter & usually deliver a deer for someone who just wanted it. Now, folks are asking for it whole and will pick it up.
I have actually heard an increase in venison requests too. Fortunately for everyone, we need to take several this year.
Tell ‘em to buy goats!

I don't know about all states, but some have a "Hunters Feeding the Hungry" program, I have donated deer that way in the past to folks in need. Some like Nebraska's program have those that are wanting it indicate how they are willing to accept it (whole carcass, deboned, etc..) I have done it both ways. I don't mind deboning one when I have had the time.
We have that program in WI Turkey. But I’ve never really had an extra venison problem to the point it wasn’t taken by family or close friends. This year I’d have to get 5 to fill random “requests”…..which would be 3 more than my all time record and leave me with none.

But I’d really like to help a couple of them out if I can. I have a few antlerless tags for my buddies farm. He might let me try it in late season.
Folks at camp up there less the last 2 years, gas prices and spending $$$$.

Feel for folks having it rough. No venison requests, but a few people needed car repairs on a budget. Help out here n there.

$80 of gas just to get 1/2 way to camp and back, my brother in laws parcel. Probably give out a 1/2 a deer to a coworker, just popped out kid #4. He also gives me rides to work when I go to camp after work. Can't have firearms and booze at work. So I park down the road a bit. Feel a little guilty looking at a new car right now.....

I sold a marlin 336 commemorative gun, was a 1960 Ohio season opener. The 1st year since the depression they allowed deer hunting again. Might of been 1961.