Upland Trifecta


5 year old buck +
My sons and I took the dogs north last Thursday to chase grouse and see if any woodcock were around. The boys had never hunted woodcock before and I had only ever shot them while rabbit hunting as incidentals and that had been a couple decades ago, seems like we always would jump one or two while after bunnies.
We made it to the area close to where we wanted to start at in the morning and found a motel and settled in. The youngest son started looking around on the internet and found a public place for pheasant that was an hour away, we got to talking and all three of us though it would be pretty cool to try and get three species in one day so we decided to get up early Friday morning and start there to see if we could find any.
It was a beautiful spot of waist high CRP and the dogs were amped ready to go...Darcy has gotten pretty good at sniffing pheasants out. We were pushing a section when we heard a rooster cackle a few hundred yards away and another answer, that got us all pumped up and on high alert. The dogs did fantastic and we shot pretty good, my oldest boys one year old female GSP Lou made a couple great retrieves it being her first pheasant hunt ever and Darcy had a couple nice points although the birds didn't want to hold and kept trying to sneak off on her.






We were pretty stoked at the results of a quick couple hour hunt, the boys got back on their phones and found us some public land that we could try for grouse and timberdoodles that wasn't to far away so off we went. The area looked very promising with young mixed aspens and conifers the fall colors were spectacular in full swing. We rolled out and started pushing through it...lots of thumb sized aspen, we flushed a few grouse but the stuff was so thick that even with the lower leaves off it was very hard to see. We got a few shots and had some fun, it was awesome for me hunting with both my sons who I think enjoy hunting even more than I do.


The dogs kept working the cover and if they got "birdy" we tried to get in better position to shoot, we finally knocked one down and only had one more species to check off our list. We moved on down the road a ways and jumped into another cover, almost immediately my youngest son shot the first woodcock of the trip..his first ever!




As we worked that spot we found some woodcock and all got a little shooting. We drove on down the road and hunted a beautiful spot along a river that was more open on one side and really thick on the other and had lots of flushes, the oldest son soon got his first woodcock ever and a nice grouse.





A great northern fall day with a lot of walking, wet feet, good dog work and tailgate lunch of smoked salmon and cheese...and we hit our trifecta



Saturday we decided to focus on grouse/woodcock and try a different area, we walked for miles in a couple different spots without a flush.
Something we never see in Ohio that really let us know we were in the wild north country;

Another thing we don't have in Ohio also saw a couple of these guys;

Lou tried to make friends when she was out of sight for a minute but didn't like the kiss she got.

We hunted lots of the same looking stuff that we had found birds the day before but were just getting sore legs and brush whipped faces...so we made a big shift and drove over an hour away to another likely spot. The new place was CRAZY thick, I think it was an old grown over beaver pond by all the penciled off trees I saw...full of little aspen and briars but kind of wet.
But birds were there! Especially woodcock but also grouse.




We ended up getting rained out but that was fine, it had already turned into an exhausting but really good day for us.
That night we looked into trying to find some sharp-tail grouse came up with a plan and woke early and drove a few hours to be at the chosen spot at shooting time. It was bad weather with a light drizzle, none of us had ever hunted sharp-tails before so we went ahead and tried anyway...hunted pastures and field edges for a couple hours flushed a couple woodcock then packed it in and headed home.
Incredible! Memories to last a lifetime.
What a cool hunt with the boys and some great pics!!!
That is awesome. Thanks for sharing that!
I thought upland trifecta was going to be a new food plot seed I just had to try :)
Great pics. Looks like a great day to be afield.
Excellent pics! Looks super fun!
Great pics!! Thats looks like so much fun!!