Unique Game Camera Placement Spots


5 year old buck +
Over the years I've upgraded a few cameras, thus ending up with few functional extras and am curious to hear ideas on unique game camera placement spots folks have put cameras in addition to typical deer travel lanes.

Few I've tried include dock post where I got one cool gator capture and recently a few dead live oak limbs where I've captured a few neat bird captures. Know I've seen some very cool captures in prior monthly contests, so again, just curious about some ideas to try down the road! :emoji_thumbsup:




Cool pics! For a point source like a scrape or rub, I've placed cameras up in a tree angled down aimed at the scrape or rub. I've actually put them in treestands. It limits the coverage area for narrow PIR cams, but with a point source like a scrape or rub, this is not an issue. I find these kind of pictures of deer very useful for IBEP classes. It helps new bowhunters identify aim points from a treestand.


Great pictures BB, I love the gator!
One of the best spots is a trail cam is near a trail that leads to a fence (fence jump) camera...one of my favorites
One of the best spots is a trail cam is near a trail that leads to a fence (fence jump) camera...one of my favorites
Been a few years back, but did do that and did capture a few cool jumps!

Honestly posted a bit more with the thought of game other than deer (have about 10 out on my place for deer). Can't recall the forum members name but remember one member who posted awesome pond photos I think he captured from a floating tree limb/log. Think it would be kind of cool to capture bobcat's perched in limbs too if could locate the right tree branch. Have thought about aiming a camera at the corner of my pond as well, as fair amount of game leave tracks slipping into the spot to get water. Have a boggy area or two that hold water during heavy rains have thought about monitoring to see what scoots across them. Just wondered if many on the forum have played around with similar kind of quirky placement ideas versus more traditional deer travel lanes alone. :emoji_thumbsup:
Love that gator picture - but I think I’d be afraid to reach down and pull the card for fear the gator might get me!
I have a soft spot for bluebirds, love those pics. I like your idea of capturing pics from unusual vantage points. Different!
I painted a piece of pvc 1.5” and pc of foam black, cut a hole in foam the size of a 1.5” pvc pipe, strapped the camera to the foam, and let it ride up and down with the water level. You might not have to do that on a pond where it doesnt fluctuate so much. Mine was on a duck slough in a flood prone area. Got all kinds of waterfowl pics, beavers, otters, gators, etc.
I painted a piece of pvc 1.5” and pc of foam black, cut a hole in foam the size of a 1.5” pvc pipe, strapped the camera to the foam, and let it ride up and down with the water level. You might not have to do that on a pond where it doesnt fluctuate so much. Mine was on a duck slough in a flood prone area. Got all kinds of waterfowl pics, beavers, otters, gators, etc.
EXACTLY the kind of suggestion I was looking for, SwampCat! Super creative idea!