Unique dishes with game

Most people don't know how to prepare wild game to make it taste good. I'd venture to say most would be just fine eating my venison burgers, and they aren't dry. As Steve Rinella says, most people cook wild game too long, or not long enough...
I haven’t bought beef in 25+ years, the past 10 or so we have mixed in beef fat with venison for burger and pork fat for sausag. My three boys grew up only eating that - and chicken. I’ll take a venison steak over Ruth Chris any day. Rare, of course. we do shanks now as well, and I just discovered how amazing deer ribs are. I have missed out on those, just discovered them the last two years. I also love me some country fried steak;). With wild mushroo gravy! Umm
Most people don't know how to prepare wild game to make it taste good. I'd venture to say most would be just fine eating my venison burgers, and they aren't dry. As Steve Rinella says, most people cook wild game too long, or not long enough...
Have you ever eaten a diver duck? Horrible vermin! I had a guy in Canada at the DU cabin serve something wrapped in bacon on a tooth pick as an appetizer. He brought them right off the grill and there was a bit of that, steak cooked right, blood on the plate. Absolutely delicious! Turned out it was Bluebill breast chunks wrapped in Bacon. Man I wish I got that recipe.
Have you ever eaten a diver duck? Horrible vermin! I had a guy in Canada at the DU cabin serve something wrapped in bacon on a tooth pick as an appetizer. He brought them right off the grill and there was a bit of that, steak cooked right, blood on the plate. Absolutely delicious! Turned out it was Bluebill breast chunks wrapped in Bacon. Man I wish I got that recipe.
We used to make a yearly pilgrimage to North Dakota to shoot waterfowl. I was once a waterfowl hunting addict and lived in ND for 3 years. We always took a grill with us so that we could consume birds for 3 meals a day. You can't keep hunting once you reach your possession limit! LOL Most people over cook waterfowl. We would do the bite sized pieces wrapped in bacon for at least one meal a day. Just enough heat to make it warm and kill the anything in the bacon. Smoked goose is killer.
Have you ever eaten a diver duck? Horrible vermin! I had a guy in Canada at the DU cabin serve something wrapped in bacon on a tooth pick as an appetizer. He brought them right off the grill and there was a bit of that, steak cooked right, blood on the plate. Absolutely delicious! Turned out it was Bluebill breast chunks wrapped in Bacon. Man I wish I got that recipe.
Love to hunt and eat divers! They are fun because they are a challenge to decoy, and they bonus as they taste great! Got to leave them rare.
Love to hunt and eat divers! They are fun because they are a challenge to decoy, and they bonus as they taste great! Got to leave them rare.
Divers are fine minus the buffleheads. Only ones that have tasted like fish. It’s really annoying when eating duck jerky and you don’t know when that buffie piece is going to hit.
Divers are fine minus the buffleheads. Only ones that have tasted like fish. It’s really annoying when eating duck jerky and you don’t know when that buffie piece is going to hit.
Bufies, golden eye,sea ducks and mergies I usually let fly unless someone wants one to mount or I’m training a new dog.

I know a lot of the east coast guys hunt them because it’s all they have to shoot…same thing up by Cleveland off the breaker walls. If I do shoot them I usually cube and season them hard for tacos. My youngest son will shoot anything that flys by…not me.
Have you ever eaten a diver duck? Horrible vermin! I had a guy in Canada at the DU cabin serve something wrapped in bacon on a tooth pick as an appetizer. He brought them right off the grill and there was a bit of that, steak cooked right, blood on the plate. Absolutely delicious! Turned out it was Bluebill breast chunks wrapped in Bacon. Man I wish I got that recipe.
I really avoid the divers, when I can. I use to slice ringer breasts thin cook them rare and put fajita seasoning on them. I was usually around divers on Okeechobee, so I would usually just let them be live decoys as I waited on teal!
I know I tried eating them and couldn’t. Threw them out, even the local stray cats wouldn’t eat them
Bufies, golden eye,sea ducks and mergies I usually let fly unless someone wants one to mount or I’m training a new dog.

I know a lot of the east coast guys hunt them because it’s all they have to shoot…same thing up by Cleveland off the breaker walls. If I do shoot them I usually cube and season them hard for tacos. My youngest son will shoot anything that flys by…not me
Teriyaki sauce. Could eat a shoe cooked in that..... Brine helps too
I find dairy cuts the fishy flavors of whale and seagull. It would probably work on diving ducks as well.
I find dairy cuts the fishy flavors of whale and seagull. It would probably work on diving ducks as well.

What......you eat seagulls? And whale meat?

Seagull would about have to taste like merganser or worse.

Diving ducks like Cans/Redheads/Bluebills/Ringnecks/Ruddies are all great on the table especially late season if they have been on wild rice and are plucked and roasted.
What......you eat seagulls? And whale meat?

Yeah. Not often. Whale steak seared in butter is excellent. Seagull breast cooked in butter just tastes like meat. Either of them grilled over a flame will have a fishy aftertaste.
Yeah. Not often. Whale steak seared in butter is excellent. Seagull breast cooked in butter just tastes like meat. Either of them grilled over a flame will have a fishy aftertaste.
Wow! So cool!
How old was the whale? 😃
How old was the whale? 😃

No idea. The hunting is heavily restricted, so I don'tget to participate. I just buy steaks at the supermarket in May or June when the hunting season is on.

I went to the Faroe Islands in September to see if I could join the grindadrap, but it's too irregular, so you have to hang out there for several weeks possibly, and that's just too expensive for me. Maybe some day.
I take both deer and geese to a commercial processor who makes sausage for me; however, it is a little different from typical deer sausage. Instead of pork, I have him substitute quality cuts of beef and add pepper jack cheese. Nobody has ever said anything except ... "hey, you got any more of that?" Surprisingly, we have taken samples of both to several social functions and folks usually think the deer is goose and the goose is deer. The meat from goose breasts is softer (some might say mushy) than venison which is more firm. Other than that, most can't tell them apart. Only downside to this method is the bill for processing and production .. I ended up with 98 rolls last year ... it's a real ouch! Wife thinks I'm nuts since I give half of it to friends, neighbors and farm folks (it'll grease the wheels).
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My family has tired of venison pot roast in the slow cooker. I think this year I want to try to brine and smoke a roast and then slice into sandwich meat (like roast beef from the deli). Anybody done this?
My family has tired of venison pot roast in the slow cooker. I think this year I want to try to brine and smoke a roast and then slice into sandwich meat (like roast beef from the deli). Anybody done this?
No but it's on my list. With 8 roasts in the freezer I can do some experimenting. I really like making Mississippi roast in the crock pot and then shredding for some Italian beef like sandwiches. It is simple, easy and tastes great.