Unexpected guest today - woodcock (i think)

Had this guy just off my patio a couple weeks ago. He was eating worms as fast as he could slurp them down.
I opened the door and took this pic about three feet away and he didn't even care.
Watching and listening to their mating flights at dusk is a treat. When they go into that spiraling " death drop " from high up while making that nasal " peeeent " sound is pretty cool. Seems they don't tire of it easily !!
I have a couple of trees stands where I have been able to watch them. They get very active at dusk.
We had great shooting for about 2-3 weeks every fall until the old field they were roosting in got too grown over with jackpine. They spent their days in the river bottoms on our property probing for food. Dropped into that 4 acre clearing like rain for about the last 10 minutes of legal shooting every night. You usually had a 5 bird limit in 5 minutes. You were shooting birds as you were walking over to pick up your kill from the previous shot. Those little birds have provided some of the best lived moments in wingshooting that I have ever had, and that includes many waterfowl hunts at Horicon and numerous SD pheasant hunts as well. I have got to try that whole snow goose thing one of these years, and maybe ducks in AR too.:D
We had great shooting for about 2-3 weeks every fall until the old field they were roosting in got too grown over with jackpine. They spent their days in the river bottoms on our property probing for food. Dropped into that 4 acre clearing like rain for about the last 10 minutes of legal shooting every night. You usually had a 5 bird limit in 5 minutes. You were shooting birds as you were walking over to pick up your kill from the previous shot. Those little birds have provided some of the best lived moments in wingshooting that I have ever had, and that includes many waterfowl hunts at Horicon and numerous SD pheasant hunts as well. I have got to try that whole snow goose thing one of these years, and maybe ducks in AR too.:D

Now it is a 3 bird limit.
that is the one aspect of habitat management that I really enjoy and that is seeing an increase in the other wildlife as well. As much as I am a deer hunter I still appreciate all the other critters in the woods.
J-bird, I think that is woodcock, but woodcock and snipe are almost identical. So, now you have the perfect excuse to take any liberals that you might know snipe hunting. If you don't know about snipe hunting, you can read up on the Internet. Be sure to film the episode.
J-bird, I think that is woodcock, but woodcock and snipe are almost identical. So, now you have the perfect excuse to take any liberals that you might know snipe hunting. If you don't know about snipe hunting, you can read up on the Internet. Be sure to film the episode.

I know all about snipe hunting!

It's a long story but the short of it was that I turned the tables on those that took me - I wasn't nearly as afraid of the dark as they where of coming to terms with the idea that they had lost someone's child over a stupid prank! I was naive enough to go:(, but I was smart enough to realized I was tricked:), and then sharp enough to know how to exact some revenge;)! I was 12 and it was one of the first times I realized that just because some "adults" are older than you - doesn't mean they are smarter than you.