Unexpected guest today - woodcock (i think)


Well while I was out enjoying the day today I was able to get a picture of what I think is a woodcock. It darted out of some dead weeds and sort of just stood there. It also did the "body bob" thing that was sort of funny. Hopefully the pic is clear enough. I wasn't able to get real close and I only had my phone on me. I have seen these before here but only every once in a while. Normally I damn near step on them and they flutter off and I am caught trying to not crap my pants. Just thought I would share.

Yep looks like it to me, I once went through a whole box of Shells going after a flock they had migrated in
Yep looks like it to me, I once went through a whole box of Shells going after a flock they had migrated in
Never hunted them, but they zip thru a woods in flight like nothing I've ever seen before! Something tells me my waterfowl/turkey set-up would be a bit much!
I had a decent bird dog and she fetched one woodcock and would never pick up another one. She loved to flush them and would stand and look at one if I dropped it. Never again would retrieve them. We ate a few and the dog was smarter than us. I can see why she would not pick them up. Eat grouse.
I saw one of those yesterday. Cool bird. I've never hunted/eaten them, like j-bird don't see them too often.
Fun bird to hunt and I really enjoyed the mild dark meat. A few years back they were migrating through during the season and I had a blast shooting limits over my pointer on public crp.
these creatures are all over our woods. i love hearing their little peeps once the sun starts to go down. as mentioned above, they let you get awfully close before they take off from the trails. cool looking birds as well.
We had an area near our place when I was a kid that had an awesome spot for them to roost every evening at dusk. You could shoot your limit every time you went out if you so chose. Really fun until the field grew up with jackpine and they quit using it for roosting. They are very easy to keep around if you want to manage for them, but it takes a specific management plan to do that.
It must be obvious that I do not know how to cook them.
Any rare fowl scares me! Venison is fine.
HA! I was just going to post about this. I kicked one bird off her nest on Saturday. Pretty much almost stepped on the darn thing. Scared the crap out of me.

Never hunted them, but they zip thru a woods in flight like nothing I've ever seen before! Something tells me my waterfowl/turkey set-up would be a bit much!

You should see grouse fly then. Woodcock= crop duster. Grouse= jet fighter. LOL
Brad, when you cut your place, it will become a huge stop over during the fall migration with the moist soils you have up there. If you have them nesting now, they will be on your place thick once it is cut. They like openings.
Never hunted them, but they zip thru a woods in flight like nothing I've ever seen before! Something tells me my waterfowl/turkey set-up would be a bit much!
In the heat of the moment I shot one once at about 15 yards while walking out to my goose blind, with a full choke 3-1/2" mag 10ga!:eek: Not much left of the little fellow when I picked it up.:oops:
In the heat of the moment I shot one once at about 15 yards while walking out to my goose blind, with a full choke 3-1/2" mag 10ga!:eek: Not much left of the little fellow when I picked it up.:oops:

I imagine not. Wow. I hunt grouse and timberdoodles with the 20 gauge. Woodcock are easy to hit compared to the grouse.
I need a camera like Steve O's to get a picture to do the little critter justice.

It was sort of funny how it bobs when it moves around. Never really had a chance to watch one - normally all I see is them flying away.
What percentage of the regular city/suburban folk population even know what a Woodcock is? Or have even heard of it? I'm guessing 20%? Maybe that is even high.

Funny story (and it is told better in person) but I was standing in line at Fleet farm at the service desk to buy my license a few years back. There is a young, very cute and attractive girl, maybe 18-20 years old running the desk. Pretty little thing. So I buy my small game license and to become HIP certified you have to answer questions about how many migratory birds you harvested the previous year. So she asks, “how many of the following did you harvest last year?. Ducks? Me-zero. Geese? Me-Zero. A few more are asked and I answer them. Then she stops and turns bright red. “Ummmm Wooooood cock?” I just burst out laughing. She could hardly say it like it was a joke or something. Hahahahahhah
Yup she likely thought there was only one way to use that word/words in a sentence and it had nothing to do with a tiny lowland dwelling bird!
Should have asked her if she wanted to see one!:D
Should have asked her if she wanted to see one!:D

I would of had no problem showing her. :cool:
I killed one in flight with my recurve a couple years ago. Got a buddy in Marinette that lives to hunt them and grouse and his dogs are pointing machines. I try go every other year. Its very humbling.