The one thing that continues to be "touted" against Trump by some liberal "ex-friends" was that Trump said something to the effect about women: " Just grab them by the pussy and ......." That statement which was "locker room talk" really put off many women....and thus their husbands. This was a real focal point in the news before the elections. Many liberals bring that single statement to the fore in almost every disagreement I've had with them. They know the Republican politics are fine....but cannot get past that comment.....and thus are 'Never Trumpers"
I remind them that this was not a public statement.....but rather a hot-mike private talk with a reporter. But...they cannot get past this one thing. I would think most any of us humans have said things like this to other guys in private......but we dont have film crews following us about on a daily basis just waiting for some statement we wish we would have never made.
Trump has dismissed this as "locker room talk"......but many folks I know will not look past this....and have vowed to never support or vote for Trump. I really think some cannot face their spouse with another view on this topic.....and therefore their stance.
Just saying. (anyone else heard this argument by other libs?)