If Trump is our peak, we've failed. He isn't "presidential". He doesn't have the respect of the rest of the world.
Brian, Good to have different opinions and perspectives. I appreciate your comments.
I like the fact that Trump isn't Presidential. Being Presidential is beginning to resemble the monarchies in Europe, empty suits who live wealthy lifestyles on the backs of their people and never do anything to produce results that benefit peoples lives. Too many politicians these days are in it to make themselves and their families wealthy through unethical/illegal means. Trump actually donated his entire salary.
I voted for Trump twice and was hesitant this time because of all the controversy surrounding him. I actually liked Desantis as a softer version of Trump. As I stepped back and evaluated the situation, I asked myself how would I react if I had been attacked like Trump, his family, and supporters were the last 9 years? The Demotards & media have thrown everything they could at Trump to try and destroy him and he has stood tall and maintained his focus. He is a true warrior President.
Trump is the direct antithesis of everything wrong in Washington. If I had to choose between image and results, I would go with results every time.
I think people gravitate towards Trump because he has done what he has said he would do. When young blacks, latinos, and Union members are turning towards Trump, they see something meaningful in him, someone they can trust. Last night at the RNC convention, Shawn Fein head of the Teamsters spoke. He is seeing many union members turning away from the democrat party and turning republican. He understands there is a change going on in his membership.
Regarding the rest of the world and not respecting them, they need to earn our respect. Many countries have taken millions/billions of United States $$ without proving anything in return. Time we start taking that money and investing in the US, our people, military, energy independence (oil, gas, coal, nuclear), technology innovation, eliminate illegal entry to the US, and business/jobs development.
End of the day, I want our side to win and I think Trump is the right man at the right time ... he sure scares the hell out of Washington, that's a good thing