Tree repair help


5 year old buck +
We have a variegated maple in the back yard. The wife was cutting grass today and got to close and hit it with the mower. Is there anything we can do for this? Thanks

I have done much worse it will be fine. Try to remove any loose bark.
Take a sharp utility knife, disinfect it with rubbing alcohol or bleach solution and cut away any bark that is separated from the cambium. Don't cut maples with dirty tools- you don't want to learn about verticillium wilt the hard way.
Paint the self inflicted defect and leave it alone always works for me!
One more tip. Make sure you don't get upset with her or you'll be doing the lawn in the future. :)

Trim off the loose edges and it'll be fine.
I was doing the front yard and she was doing the back. I always tease hers she's rough on mowers. Rug's, stones, shoes anything laying in the yard is fair game.
Thanks for the tips guys.
Just some food for thought, but on a fresh wound that looks like that I would almost think laying the bark back against the cambium immediately and tacking it in place temporarily with a couple nails it might heal faster. Why wouldnt the tissue callus just like a graft? With the key being that the wound is fresh.