Trailcam pics

Love those forks! Plus he's nobbie, plenty of growing to go.
I don’t remember him from last year, and I think he is young looking.
I'm a little surprised he hasn't formed any G2's yet. He is definitely going to be easy to identify later in the year. Lots of character.
This guy is still hanging around and getting wider. Kind of like having him around. His buddy though... can't tell much but he's starting to look pretty good.
That is going to be a great deer. He would be a shooter down here right now - and with many locals - I mean probably tonight

We have stuff going on like that here too. My taxidermist found a 22 bullet lodged in the skull of a buck I took to him a few years ago.
Lookin good guys!

My hogs are few an far between now - like one every month or two. This one showed up last night - one pic at two feeders a half mile apart. Remains to be seen if he sticks and becomes regular or just passing through. This is a good sized hog