Tractor upgrade

Any Kubota M7060 owners out there that want to share?

We bought an M7040 (predecessor to M7060) without cab in 2012. We have been extremely happy with it. No issues and we have worked it relatively hard. We use a 7’ brush hog and 7.5’ tiller (yjr090) to plant 10 acres of plots. For many years used a 10’ disc with large concrete blocks. The tractor handles smoothly, the steering is great. Very easy to shift from forward to reverse on the fly. I think it would handle a bat wing no problem. We are considering a 1006NT drill, and I think it would handle it fine. Only thing we have to watch for is overheating when mowing thick stuff when we haven’t cleaned the screen off recently. It is easily accessible under the front of the hood and you just slide out and knock the grass off. Every time I use the tractor I am amazed at what a beast it is and thoroughly enjoy using it.

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There are lots of 7060 vs 50x5E conversations on
There are lots of 7060 vs 50x5E conversations on

I noticed the same thing when I was shopping. A lot of used Kubotas - very few used JD’s.
I noticed the same thing when I was shopping. A lot of used Kubotas - very few used JD’s.

Yeah, lots of guys who bought small kubota tractors start to realize they need a bigger unit. Dealers love the trade in and the ability to upgrade their owners.

Still amazed when I talked to 5-7 local guys I knew, dealer was the key ...
There are lots of 7060 vs 50x5E conversations on

Yes, I've been lurking over there on a few threads. The reason I asked here is that I have a pretty good read on many folks on this forum and can weight opinions accordingly and most have applications similar to mine. On the other forum, I'm less familiar with the posters and guys often have strong opinions based on some feature that may not apply much to me.


I went JD because of the service dept. another thing to check, my jd dealer always runs wintertime service specials. Free pickup and return within 30 miles. Otherwise, it is $300 each way. Kubota offered no such deal - so every year, service would have cost an additional $600 from kubota. I can easily haul my JD 790. I cant haul my jd 5065e
I went JD because of the service dept. another thing to check, my jd dealer always runs wintertime service specials. Free pickup and return within 30 miles. Otherwise, it is $300 each way. Kubota offered no such deal - so every year, service would have cost an additional $600 from kubota. I can easily haul my JD 790. I cant haul my jd 5065e

Good point. Service is key for me. Transport cost is not a big issue for me. I've got a 10K trailer and I'm only 10 miles from all three (Kubota, JD, NH) dealers.
I have two NHs, TC45A and T4.75 which has a cab. Both 4WD (assist) and the latter has a loader. No problems, joy to own and work. GL!
So if you were buying a tractor preferably used with around 500 hours, has to be 4WD,between 45-65 HP,front loader,no cab.Also and thoughts on the M models of Kubota
I have two NHs, TC45A and T4.75 which has a cab. Both 4WD (assist) and the latter has a loader. No problems, joy to own and work. GL!

Tell me more about the T4.75. Any short-comings? Have you pushed the loader? Is there a screen over the condenser for the AC? How often do you need to clean it? Do you need to blow it out with a compressor? If so, how often?

I ask these specific questions because they are all problematic areas with my Kioti DK45.


Is there many New Hollands out there?They seem alot cheaper than say a kubota

I can't say I have pushed it. But, on both tractors I very regularly use my compressor to blow debris out of the engine compartment including the radiator and air filter. I mow more with the smaller tractor due to be close to and in woods. After awhile the radiator will have enough crap blocking good air flow that my temp gauge will show it is running warmer than normal and I clean it. I think that is common.

Hope that helps, GL.

I can't say I have pushed it. But, on both tractors I very regularly use my compressor to blow debris out of the engine compartment including the radiator and air filter. I mow more with the smaller tractor due to be close to and in woods. After awhile the radiator will have enough crap blocking good air flow that my temp gauge will show it is running warmer than normal and I clean it. I think that is common.

Hope that helps, GL.

Thanks. The AC design on my Kioti is very poor. The radiator is fine, it has a removable screen that I can clean in the field, but the condenser is in front o of the radiator and there is no screen in front of it. The battery sits in front of that blocking air flow to about 2/3 of the condenser. The condenser plugs up first but there is no indication it is happening until the AC stops cooling. It is too late by then. The compressor clutch locks up and the compressor dies.

Whatever tractor I buy next will have a screen in front of the condenser that can be easily cleaned in the field. I don't mind using the compressor in my barn to blow out the radiator and condenser after a full day's work, but I don't want to have to return to the barn after a few hour of mowing to do it.

