Top working Callery pears

Do you
Looking forward to getting back to Ohio in June and trimming off all the Callery branches. I'll try to do another 20 grafts as well. Excited about the scion exchange this year. I'll definitely need some good pear varieties.

They look great, even without keeping up with suckers..What varieties did you graft
Gin, Butt, Winnal's Longdon, Tyson, Bartlett, Columbia Red.

I will ask someone to keep up with the Callery sprouts from now on. Those trees should be able to push a lot of growth next year.
Picked out a half dozen candidates for my first failed attempts at this grafting thing LOL. Gonna cut scions probably a Friday and graft a saturday...assuming wait just when buds start swelling would be best no?
Picked out a half dozen candidates for my first failed attempts at this grafting thing LOL. Gonna cut scions probably a Friday and graft a saturday...assuming wait just when buds start swelling would be best no?
I'm doing the same thing and and my Callery pears are starting to bloom. I think I'm going to wait until they start leafing out. I'm really worried about frost if I do it to soon. Not really sure if this is good or not.
You can't really wait too long. I did my grafts in June. Better to err on the side of caution.
You can't really wait too long. I did my grafts in June. Better to err on the side of caution.
Were your Callery Pears completely leafed out? When do you think the bark stops slipping? Mine are blooming and the leaves are just starting to come out. I don't want to do it too soon but also don't want to miss the window to graft them. Thanks for the help. This is my first time grafting.
Were your Callery Pears completely leafed out? When do you think the bark stops slipping? Mine are blooming and the leaves are just starting to come out. I don't want to do it too soon but also don't want to miss the window to graft them. Thanks for the help. This is my first time grafting.

Yes, they were completely leafed out. I would wait til April if I were you. My guess is you can graft through June and into July, but I'm not familiar with your area. I have grafted apples in July in Ontario.
Yes, they were completely leafed out. I would wait til April if I were you. My guess is you can graft through June and into July, but I'm not familiar with your area. I have grafted apples in July in Ontario.
Thank you.
I was burning and clearing brush this past weekend and was upset when I had cut the brush with my clearing saw and I was putting the brush in a pile and realized I had cut a callary pear! I was looking forward to finding one in an effort to convert it to a useful pear.....I am not even sure which stump it was! Not a big deal...damn thing I an sure will stump sprout and I will find it again in a few years.