to close for comfort rattlesnake story


5 year old buck + Just wanted to share a story this past Saturday that happened to my wife and me while morel hunting on our land. We where about done and my wife was walking up the hill on an old atv trail and I was behind her. I was wearing snakeboots and she usually walks behind me but for some reason she got ahead of me. She suddenly yelled snake and slowly backed off, instantly I heard the rattle and walked up to her. She probably came within 2 feet of the one that rattled. We where amazed to fine 3 full grown adult rattlers by there den which was an old rotten tree. I took a few pics on my phone and posted them to facebook. I had a friend who is a wildlife photographer instantly call me and wanted to come out and take pics, I guess its rare to run into them because there are not a lot of them around. He came out with his wife and took pics. I copied the facebook page and you can take a look at the size of them, we are making a trip to cabelas and my wife is getting a pair of snakeboots. She is ready to go out again, except for being startled it didn't really bother her. We watched these snakes for about an hour before they went in their den. It was quite an experience for sure. On a positive note, I am getting some great growth already on some big bodied bucks. Scoot
Scary stuff, glad all is well.
If my wife would have seen a snake I'd have to pull her out of the tree's. Glad no one was bitten.
We usually see a dead massasauga rattler(usually babies) or 2 each summer right after they get done mowing the large openings out at the county park on the island out in the Mississippi River. It seems they like to mow those damn areas at about 25 mph, so I don't think the snakes even have a chance to get out of the way of the mower. We did see a full grown one about 3 feet long alive out there 2 summers ago, the beagle stepped right over it and didn't even notice as it was trying to retreat to the high grass. The wife saw it heading for the grass and flipped out, and that was before she even knew what kind of snake it was.:eek: She is not a snake lady at all! Particularly the small ones, she is semi ok with stuff like 8' boas or pythons, but deathly afraid of a 2' garter snake. Kinda funny actually!:D
Must be those hinge cuts u have.
OMG I'd have had to change my drawers, we don't do the snakes here in W MI.
Great pics! I think timber rattlers and copperheads are two of the most beautiful (to look at) creatures on earth.
Super pix !!! Those timber rattlers are the yellow - phase type. The black phase type are much darker and not nearly as eye-catching. Our yellow phase ones here in Pa. are lighter and duller yellow than your pix. Yours have an orange-ish yellow tint to them. REALLY, REALLY COOL !!! The darker timber rattlesnakes' bands are harder to notice. VERY COOL & LUCKY find !!! Happy no bites to you folks.
We have timber rattlers and copper heads in Mass. I have never seen one and that's ok by me. The only place I ever saw rattle snakes was Camp Cook SD. when I was pronghorn antelope hunting. They were all over the place there.