Throw and mow/spray&roll brassicas


5 year old buck +
Hey all,

I am currently rotating the LC mix of grains/clover and then brassicas. Where I planted the grains and clover last year I have tons of what I call "wild oats". My normal routine is to broadcast, spray, and then roll.

My question is, because I have a significant amount of these "oats" headed out, should I disc-let green up-and then spray? In other words the traditional brassica prep. OR will the brassicas shade out the grasses?
I am going towards trying not to spray at all anymore so this year I going to broadcast mine into last years rye, weeds and grasses and roll it down so I'm hoping that the brassicas will out pace what's left. we'll see.
I'd guess the oats aren't doing you any harm. Anyhow, they deer like oats. Let them eat 'em down.
I ended up just seeding-spraying-rolling. We'll see how it does!

I wasn't so much worried about the volunteer rye coming back up, but those wild oats spread like wildfire.
Question?? I have to get a couple brassica/oat/rye plots in, in a short amount of time.

Can I broadcast seed, spray gly, and roll, the same day?? Or whats the best order to do that in?

I tried to search it, but couldnt find anything. Thanks
Question?? I have to get a couple brassica/oat/rye plots in, in a short amount of time.

Can I broadcast seed, spray gly, and roll, the same day?? Or whats the best order to do that in?

I tried to search it, but couldnt find anything. Thanks

Depends on what's in the field. Most stemy weeds crimp when you roll them so spray may not be necessary and won't do much anyway because the stem is broken. If there are grasses in there spray and roll, the herbicide will still work on them. So I guess the answer is yes you can. Roll last. The other two don't matter.